
My old failure analysis prof once said that however severe you feel the vibration, you are probably over-estimating it by an order of magnitude. Once he was on a suspension bridge when a train passed by and he thought the bridge would be shaken into pieces. When he went back to the office to download the accelerometer

Lisa Bonet dressed as Cousin Hillary from Fresh Prince.

Yes please, seconded!

is this going to be a new regular(ish) feature? historical ladies that modern ladies should know about?

Thank you! I do think there are many echoes between Marie Antoinette's and Sisi's stories, for sure. I think part of Sisi's problem was that she really was quite bright, but she had zero productive outlets for it (and didn't have the well-fuck-you-too-buddy attitude necessary to create outlets for herself, probably

For anybody who'd like to read further: My two big sources were The Lonely Empress, by Joan Haslip, and The Reluctant Empress, by Brigitte Hamann. If you're curious about the Habsburgs more generally (and really they are FASCINATING, the most important royal family nobody gives a shit about anymore) check out The

I always see things as potentially chocolate.

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