
My copy of “The Stand”. Dog-eared and with a makeshift laminate cover from when the original cover ripped off in my backpack in 9th grade. That book has survived a lot of moving and even more reading. Also, I’ve lent it out over the years and it always makes it back to me. Like the only book in the universe that does

Great article! One thing; Apollo 17 was. December of 1972 not ‘76! It’s been even longer since Jack Schmidt and Gene Cernan walked up there!

I literally gasped “no” when I saw this. I’m blown away. I thought Sir Christopher would have stared death in the eyes, bellowed a few choice words at it and scared it away. Rest in peace world’s most metal human!

Very interesting take on this juggernaut of a technological decade or so. I remember a Bill Gates speech from the early 00’s that focused on connectivity and specifically the connectivity of devices on your person and at home. It’s funny that even after kind of “calling it” correctly twice, Microsoft wasn’t as active

And I was totally wrong! Re- watched it tonight and he just calls him “dog”. Must have just wanted it to be true!

Max refers to his dog as Dogmeat in the beginning of the Road Warrior if I’m remembering correctly. So it’s not just the jacket that calls back too him. Also; the mad max jacket is in all the fallout games. Sweet article btw! I’m super excited!

I want to audition to play Jody damnit!

Really fascinating article. Getting insight in to such an elite, as well as just damn impressive, group is always fun. Thanks for a great read!

Incredibly well written and informative post! Thank you very much for this great read. And, as sad as it is to say; the old adage "As much as things change..." has never seemed more true.

I literally just had some of this on Saturday during a trip up there. Meeting the dude to get it was a fun reminder of being sixteen. And HOT DAMN that's some good weed!

As a one handed video game player, it's cool to see one of us get our propers! I love stomping ass at multiplayer games and thinking about how fun it'd be to let people know they were getting a clinic from a dude with one hand. But that's my little secret! Keep rocking speed run dude!

He may have shit on the floor, but his parents pissed in the gene pool. This recessive trait idiot looks like the human equivalent of a lab rat.

Ugh! F$ck Apple!

Typically when detonating a nuclear device you aim for "mbe", or "maximum blast effect". MBE is usually attained by detonating the device about 1500ft above the target. This causes the device to push (for the lack of a better term) the explosion down at the target creating a precursor (the wind you see in all the test

Thank you! Also, a bit of postus scriptum; I sent Diana a message with the link to this article attached. Still no reply though; I think she might have gone "legit".

Thank you!

I consider myself a somewhat lucky person, but my 19th birthday was, seriously, the luckiest day of my life.

I grew up in Everett in the nineties. This house was kind of a cool place to look at when we used to walk around and get high during the boring summer nights. The best part was, inevitably someone would make a big reverb-sounding guitar chord ala the show every time we walked by. My mom still lives a mile from there.

Great picture of my favorite astronaut (and should be everybody else's as well) John W. Young. That's Bob Crippen in the background, so I think this must be the painting for STS-1. But I can't see the patch on their flight suits well enough.

Great overall article. Thank you sir for so many years of keeping us entertained! Your enthusiasm, energy and opinions will be missed! Good luck on the next stage!