
Like calling drug traffickers “cocaine enthusiasts”

In other words your question is why doesn’t this apple taste like an orange?

Unions became corrupt and wasteful soon after their inception, making it virtually impossible for American businesses to compete globally. Most markets do a pretty damn good job of rewarding those who provide for society, eliminating scarcity, and dropping prices. And labor is a market too.

I would probably respond to this article, Drew, but I need to check with George Soros on what liberal talking points and affirmations I need for this subject. As a paid protester and actor hired by Open Society Foundations, I want to properly represent my opinion that aligns with His (Soros) views.

Bullying is bullying, can’t have it both ways

With oppo research like this, it’s just a matter of time before the NRA disbands entirely.

“I don’t agree with this person”
“Let’s just comb through their social media accounts and make them look like a loser”
“But we could do that to any-”
“Thats not the point, the point is clicks!”

Thankfully it was blurred out on the Japanese broadcast, so no one at home saw how dreadful it truly was.

But 100% of that 3% is fatal.

Its all about establishing a narrative.

Even people who are not leftist/progressive tend to share the viewpoint that corporate/industry lobbyist = bad

So if you manage to convince people that NRA lobbying efforts are funded primarily by gun makers and not gun owners thus the lobbying efforts are corporate efforts, not

I don’t understand the negative connotation about gun companies funding the NRA.

And don’t forget the mental gymnastics that say abortion is only 3% of their services.

Why bother talking about NRA money when they are not even a major donor.

That would contradict the narrative that the NRA is really a shill for gun makers, and that the People at large (including the majority of NRA members) want aggressive gun prohibition, but the mean old NRA buys off our politicians.

Also, want to point out where the money the NRA donates, actually comes from...

Now do Planned Parenthood.

That’s the beauty of golf to the common man - I can stick a 160-yard wedge shot within a club length or drain a 40 ft putt and I’m JUST LIKE THE PROS, BABY. Except I can do it about once every 10 rounds and they do it, ya know, much more often than that.

I’m not quite sure I understand. They are doing their job and were doing it with the same zeal during the past presidencies where little comment was made. Certainly nowhere near the level of hysteria as there is here now.
At the end of the day, your country has laws. These people are simply enforcing the laws and are

And her coaches had her stop using the ball toss machines around the same time, in fitting with her plan of eliminating Jugs.

I really dislike all the calculators that show in 20 years 4-years of college is oging to cost a full $500K+ or scares people into thinking that they have to sacrifice their retirement for their children’s education.