
No, its the “give it to me or I’ll burn your house down” crowd that is running the democrats into the sea.

I have no issue with you saying Crosby takes his fair share of shots - that is true. Especially when he was younger. But dont ever say that “He doesn’t cry about it.” He is in the refs ear every 10 seconds. It’s good for him and his team, and I want my captain doing that. But he might be the biggest whiner in the

Because of the perception of special treatment that the pens and hawks get from the NHL, where they were rewarded with multiple superstars after tanking for over a decade. For the record, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some shaky collusion that the league and NBC believe two powerhouse teams could bring more

While I agree with this as a Yankee fan (I mean I think it’s okay), I’m far more likely to be dissuaded by the UNBELIEVABLE PRICE OF EVERYTHING FROM SEATS TO BEERS in that place than anything shitty about the architecture.

Because corporate taxes are easily avoidable by moving your HQ to a mailbox abroad or reporting money as foreign profits. The higher the corporate tax rate, the more companies move abroad, the fewer taxes we bring in. It’s a dumb tax — like if we taxed tacos but not fajitas. What makes more sense? Tax people, such as

Exactly! I’ve never understood why we’d be so eager to give our government money out of an estate. The notion that it’s socially responsible is a fallacy until our government actually spends responsibly. Brewster’s millions are being routed straight to poor communities.

Most (99.5 percent) of us will never pay estate tax

Whereas for the last few years, you were dependent on other people funding your birth control. Now, you share a bit more of the cost.

Two things - 1) if a flight starts to fill up the remaining seats start to become more expensive. 2) if just price hunting, do NOT log in to their site when you do it. They track that and will know that you have looked at that flight and may jack up the price to make you think it is going to keep going so you better

I love Canadian fans who are too dumb to understand why there isn’t another Ontario based team. Spoiler alert, it isn’t the league with the problem, it’s the Leafs. There is no question that a SE Ontario team would be a huge windfall for the league, but with the stupid territorial restrictions, the Leafs and Sabres

I KNOW. Are those guys even wearing protective gear AT ALL??? Player safety has grown by leaps and bounds since then.

If you’d just pointed that thing at Hillary’s bathroom a while back, you could have saved the world a heap of trouble.

I’m an Islanders fan, and I no one can tell me that the Nassau Coliseum wasn’t the best damn place to watch a playoff hockey game in the known universe. I say this only to say that that’s what the Nashville crowd reminds me of, and it makes my heart happy.

I am a long-time professional acquaintance of a guy in Nashville who never saw a hockey game in his life until the Preds showed up. On a whim, he bought 4 season tickets because he thought he could flip the big name teams. He went to the first game and has become, easily, the most psychotic hockey fan I’ve ever met

PBS receives approximately 12% of its funding from the federal government.

So, you mean, immoral greedy fucks that just watch the PBS broadcasting without donating to it...? Oh, you are considering everyone else’s tax dollars as your donation... Got it.

Other people should be forced to fund something you enjoy?

Why don’t you and the people who enjoy it fund it? Either through advertisements or their shitty fund raisers?

I’m not entirely clear why there’s a need for government funded television anymore. What makes any of their programming different than what any other station can provide? There’s no reason those shows can’t be on other channels and vice-versa. In fact, some are.

It absolutely should be defunded. While they do produce some quality programming, they are far from the only ones. Why spend taxpayer dollars on this when there is so much quality programming out there? What’s the point?

I wonder how many of these liberal hypocrites were hysterical about Trump’s ‘alleged’ sexual misconduct?