
the biggest logical fallacy these anti-choice zealots make is in assuming that making it illegal will make it stop. it won’t. this has been seen in many foreign countries as well as here. abortions occur regardless of their legality, because, as you alluded to, it’s a matter of the socio-economic conditions in which

What gets my goat all the way to Goatsville is that you know a good half of them have had one! And the other half either made sure their daughter did, or the girl their son knocked up did. But that’s “different,” see.

You know, reading stories and comments on here about Murica (ugh), I keep having to remind myself that I’m definitely still reading it from 2017 and not 1617.

In Birmingham here, and you are correct to the best of my observations. What I don’t understand is why they think Doug Jones could magically remove all of the restrictions and conditions on abortion in Alabama. The voters simply won’t allow it, so what does it matter to these women what his personal opinion on

My extended white (mostly female) evangelical family are nearly single-issue voters. That issue being: ABORTION

“I’ve skipped medical tests because I could not afford them or reasonably justify the cost. Should I be penalized with substandard care for not being poor?”

He should really change his name to Souless Twit. I mean legally, so it’s on his driver’s license.

You understand that we pay to send kids to public schools too right?

“...I believe people like me get the worst deal...”

No, doesn’t work like that. Addiction is an illness, so it needs to be treated like any other public health issue. Spend the money on damage control /harm reduction, and the benefits will echo into all social strata.

You mean sick people. You’re saying that because you aren’t getting free shit sick people shouldn’t get medical treatment. I was a tech exec and made over $200K/yr. I had a very healthy savings- all eaten by medical costs, every bit, when I became disabled. Had great insurance too. Their priority is getting well you

Now you’re doing the whole “You should start thinking like me or else I’m gonna vote Republican from now on. You’re making Liberals look bad” shtick? Do you really think people fall for that? You can say you’re not conservative, but when basically every comment you make is a conservative-type opinion it’s pretty easy

That’s a cool alternate reality you live in, there. But in this world research has proven that social programs successfully life people out of poverty, and the resulting economic expansion and taxes more than makeup for what was spent on food stamps and subsidized housing.

Looks like you don’t just sound like a conservative but you are one. One of those who’ve bought into the myth of welfare queens and other Fox News dogwhistles. The BIGGEST beneficiaries of government subsidies are large corporations, who repay that kindness by keeping their employees below minimum wage so they can get

At the risk of sounding like a conservative

Yes, all those other countries should just quit their universal health care systems on principal. Who needs it? Also, who needs education? Let’s just close all the public schools and let people pay to send their kids to school.

1. No one is getting anything for free. It comes out of our taxes.

That is a conservative reflection- you’re right!

At the risk of answering like a conservative: Why pay more? The cost of giving people free needles & preventative drugs is TINY compared to the cost society pays after they’re infected, & have infected others, & continue committing crimes to get their drugs, & so on.

It’s a public health issue. HIV meds are VERY VERY expensive out of pocket and it is a communicable disease. It is in everyone’s best interest for people with HIV to have a non-detectable viral load, because it’s what stops transmission and slows the epidemic.