
I was one of the ones who had their Best Buy preorder cancelled. I was upset at first but they did offer the $50 compensation so I decided to just go with it and order the regular black version for $50 off.

Honestly I never would have noticed if not for this article. Now if I fixate on it I know who to blame!

Still playing plenty of Smash for Wii U and Geometry Wars. Still slogging through FF X-2 HD since it's the only main/main sequel FF I haven't finished. Getting tough to motivate myself though!

UPDATE 10 (1/18, 1:18pm): Two updates today, neither of them particularly huge. One is that we're hearing rumors about Best Buy cancelling some preorders—but we haven't been able to confirm that. It appears they've actually removed the Majora's 3DS listing from their website. The second update is that Play-Asia says…

I get this post, I really do. And yet... This is the first time I've allowed myself to really pursue a special edition of any console. I'm typically an early adopter you see, and I normally can't justify the expense of replacing a handheld with a shinier version of the same if it has no extra features I want.

This month I'm playing Super Mario 3D World, FF X-2 HD (never got very far in the original) and Kirby's Adventure.