
lol incel

I say this with the utmost courtesy, respect, and patience. Please, please, please turn off your computer and go fuck yourself.

I admire your vitriol, sir.

Not buying that these are feminists in the least

I read this article and it makes me want to die.

I HAVE MANY IDEAS. Demote Katie Maloney, stop pretending the original cast work at SUR, and have two timelines. One is the young up-and-comers working at SUR and being sloppy. The other is old cast members buying ugly million dollar farmhouses, facing the havoc they’ve wreaked on their bodies while attempting to get

The irony of Jax calling someone else thirsty is not lost on me.

Thank you for breakdown...I Googled like five articles and it was still going over my head.   

“Average American female life expectancy=78.6 years/28,869 days

Lauren Duca’s behavior at NYU is shameful but so is NYU’s hiring of Lauren Duca to teach a journalism class. Teaching is hard. Teaching a 3-hour college class is extremely hard. It takes practice and training. You can’t drag in a random working professional to teach their profession to college students. But

Ask yourself, “Who are the “evil people” mentioned in the post?”

Back in my political days during the early 90s, I ran into her at an event someplace in DC. A few weeks earlier, she’d been on one of the ubiquitous talking head Sunday roundtables (This Week with David Brinkley, probably - to her everlasting credit she steadfastly refused to appear on McLaughlin) when some point

I’ve looked forward to her regular explainers on Morning Edition for ages. She will be missed.

09/10/19 Journal entry:

People are still garbage.
Maybe tomorrow?

The Washington Post reports that previously a parent took a photo of her backside and shared it with other parents

It took me a long time to recognize that same behavior in my own mother. Once I did I severed all ties, and to this day she still tries to rally the family--and anyone else with the patience to endure her for more than 5 minutes--to her cause. Some people should be banned from procreating.

Don’t be embarrassed. I figured out my mom was one, too. Wasn’t until the last few months of her life this year, but once I put it all together, the 52 years of shit I endured made perfect sense.

This makes me glad I didn’t have any siblings, I used to wish for a sibling if only to divide her attention but in truth she would have pitted us against each other. Looking back, I realize how she’d frequently compare me to other kids to make me feel inadequate and that if I had a sibling she would have been

OMG Me too! i still remember with great fondness the day I figured it all out and felt an enormous amount of weight lifted from me that I wasn’t the crazy one.

These folks are definitely amping themselves up, the same way that anti-choice folks do. Sooner or later something truly ugly is going to happen, and of course all the “nice” ones will shake their heads and offer their sentiments (looking at you, Rob Schneider and Jenny McCarthy) while continuing to add fuel to the