
She didn’t fly. Jedi can’t fly. But she did use the force to pull herself to the ship. I compare it to a guy floating in the ocean with a line tied to a cruise ship. You pull on the line, you’re going to move towards the ship, not the other way around. But watching that scene it’s understandable that people would

Where in TFA was it stated she never tried to develop her powers?

I had a master plan for today, but it did not go quite as planned. That’s OK. That’s what blogging is about. You

Yeah, like...pretty sure I could pay a buddy to slap me around in a dark room. Cheaper, and no waiting list!

Basically, my gf was showing me videos of this crap and it just looked like he’s torturing people.

Some of the stuff seems beyond what any waiver could legally cover from what I've read. Perhaps they'd be safe from a civil suit, but not an actual legal case against them. 

This troll can get fucked, in particular. I support the writers and editors at Kotaku and their affiliate/sister sites.

Really? I saw that GMG Union is going to fight this, so hopefully nobody is fired???

Glad to hear it and knocking on wood for all of you.

Fun fact: nobody has been fired, we’re all still here and still doin’ our thing.

What happened now?

Great focus you’ve got there, chief.

I admire the hell out of these people. As for the various fuckheads I’ve seen online, who shamed them for publicly criticizing Weinstein, while whining about ‘upholding civility’ or whatever.... fuck ‘em. Learn to take a stand for what’s right, you spineless cowards.

The Trollbot 3000 is on the fritz again. Try rebooting it. 

Do your parents know you're using the computer without supervision?

I’m fine with that

Splinter’s feed should be updated to just be a black hole as well.

“I will not be a smiling face on camera that tacitly endorses this decision.”

I really like the way he put this.