I know! But the beauty of the internet is that your opinion means nothing and no one in the world has to do what you say! What a time to be alive.
I know! But the beauty of the internet is that your opinion means nothing and no one in the world has to do what you say! What a time to be alive.
I’m sorry, why do you think that I, a Black woman, who has experienced racism, sexism, harassment, and so on, am living in a bubble? Why would I let all these things into my bubble? And what, exactly, does my bubble have to do with your high level of esteem for a racist?
well you probably shouldn’t throw rocks at her house.
I woke up to my TV on & that horror playing this morning. All I could think as I ran for the remote was ...”Poor Hector Elizondo. What does he have on you that you’re forced into this mess?”
Seriously though, that is a steal. Wolfenstein is a fantastic game. And playing it pisses off Nazis, so that makes it twice as fun!
Seriously though, that is a steal. Wolfenstein is a fantastic game. And playing it pisses off Nazis, so that makes…
You’re confused. No one is silencing white supremacists and the KKK. What they’re facing is social consequences for their speech. This is the government coming after a woman for exercising free speech in the public square. No government agency went after Trump voters wearing Trump That Bitch t-shirts.
They’re all wrong, stop trying to engage in a race to the bottom.
There are levels of wrong. It’s why we put murderers in prison longer than burglars. Acting like what Franken did is comparable to what Trump and Moore have done only excuses true monsters like Trump and Moore.
It’s hard to understand, with so much awfulness in the news, which genuinely seems to be record breaking awfulness, why anyone would want to watch people be assholes.
When “generally good guys” pander to bigots and idiots for future votes they are no longer generally good guys...
Are you saying that as a sports fan or being glib? I love to play baseball but sometimes we can’t get the people, a field might be in use. So a nice outlet is watching a game, which is an analogy that many have used. But as a gamer if I can watch a video I can probably be playing, so I’d rather just play same as…
I think you have to be a certain age/mindset to get it. If I’m not good at a game and I want to see the cool stuff I put in the work so I can see it. I guess I never reached a geeking out moment on a game where watching a stranger play it is on the to do list. I’d rather go to a forum or just play it.
How soulless do you have to be that you can’t admit the first Avengers movie was really fun?
I think we ALL have a case against Bryan Singer for that one.
That “woosh” sound you heard was the point flying over you.
Taking advantage of morons to separate them from their money is a tradition as old as time. The difference here is that they’re explicitly calling you a moron for paying for this game and any other games like it, but they’ll STILL make tons of money in microtransactions.
The joke is on you, which is why you don’t find…
I guess that depends on whether you think this is a parody of the game... or of gamers. I happen to think it’s the latter, because said gamers will still buy said micro-loots even after being straight up TOLD they probably shouldn’t.
Nothing on Russia?!?!!
Dipshits get dismissed.
If you think there’s nothing on Russia, you’re a fucking moron.