Thinking things through is no fun. Gotta get those dunk-induced endorphins going!!
Thinking things through is no fun. Gotta get those dunk-induced endorphins going!!
Cry more, see if that works.
The point being, Sony is 100% in charge of the marketing on this, not Marvel or Feige.
You’ll get over it.
Uh... he already had the *power* stone to do that...
Korath the Fanboy was pretty great.
This is wholly unsurprising.
Cute that you ignore that the same Polygon article says that statement didn’t really hold up to evidence, which they included in the piece.
Trevorrow’s script picked up just fine from where it left off. It wasn’t perfect, and needed work, but it was still leagues better than ROS, and carried through on the set-up just fine.
And the plan thing is getting played out. Outside of book series adaptations, no film series is planned out several films ahead. Even…
Yep. It tells us instantly where Luke’s head is at. She’s expecting a savior, and he’s all “Nope, I stopped carrying one of these for a reason.”
Yup, no one made fun of fascists (psst, don’t look up old Dr. Suess in order to maintain this false assumption).
They need more edge! MORE EDGE!
Thanks, I knew I could stop paying attention to anything you had to say, once I hit the word “wokeness.”
Im not sure if, “Hey, lets just work WITH the Nazis” would have been particularly well accepted. Also, not very good storytelling or character work, given what came before.
What’s hilarious is that the same people who will bitch that Johnson didn’t more fully explore what was set up in TFA, like Snoke, will then turn around and say that he should have ignored where Abrams left Luke.
“You can’t bomb it that much given the total number of people who voted. The number of people who don’t have an agenda would swamp them.”
And your evidence of this is.... your say so? You have numbers on how many voted legitimately, versus those who slammed in bad faith? Pray tell, where does one find these figures??
“Box office was different then, There were multiple cinema releases over years. You need to compare first run to first run for A New Hope to TESB. The figures on the box office sites are cumulative from multiple releases.”
You act like the original release numbers can’t be found, and no one has thought to compare…
“There is a big drop from TFA to TLJ and I do wonder why.”
What are you smoking? TLJ was in theatres the SAME TIME as Jumanji 2 - which was a huge hit.
May not answer your specific question, but here’s a good video on the film in general: