Fighting the good fight!
Fighting the good fight!
Some people prefer the cinema experience.
Its really depressing that people will more easily believe they’ve fallen into an alternate universe than just accepting they were wrong about something.
“Papa John: Day of Reckoning” sounds like the worst DTV John Wick ripoff imaginable.
Ah, so you’re just a run of the mill asshole trolling for attention. Bugger off.
Seen, yes. Touched? Nope.
Id bet money the answer is no. This breed of douchenozzle never hesitates to judge things they have not seen.
That argument might hold up better if the last DC flick hadn’t made a billion.
It was not a great name, but this won’t boost any sales, methinks.
Neither is really true. It underperformed, for sure, but it isn’t a huge bomb either. It’ll wind up squeaking out a bit of profit once it hits video.
The deadline is Dec 31st - Frozen made it by a month and change. It will not be eligible next year.
Right.. that’s why they just go “blah blah” for the entire runtime, because the content, and whether people listen, is irrelevant.
Without a listen? I don’t think you get how audio works.
When your title comes off like a hot take desperate for a listen... you definitely wont get one from me.
Wow, misread, then be a dick.
Ive only ever seen the Kylo Ren version, and doubt Ill be changing that.
Oh, you touched some very sensitive nerves with this one.
Whoa. She has leg muscles I didnt know existed!