
My god, you’re still at it?

Well, yeah, to point at you and laugh.

Wow, are you illiterate, or just lazy?

Then there goes your last excuse for such childish behavior. Oh, well.

I hate this world.

Wise. What can I say, Im a masochist with too little work on my hands.

You seen his comment history? 90% of it is calling people names for not having the same opinion as him. Textbook neckbeard.

Sure, correlation is not causation - but in this case, it seems there was enough correlation to make them rethink that which they should have put more thought into from the jump.

But it is evidence you seem eager to ignore, and refuse to engage with. Rather telling.

Ah, gone from nonsensical attacks to full on incel bullshit, eh?

Jesus, you’re deranged.

Oh, well, as long as its all about you. What a fuckin douche.

Has it occurred to you to look anything up before declaring you and only you know the truth??

Except there is:

I was 100% interested in this remake, in concept.

A friend of mine worked on season 3, but refused to call it by its name, and instead would tell people he worked on “Teen Angst: The series” when asked.

The medical community asked them not to include that scene, warning that it could lead to more suicides. They did it anyway.

What is this rambling nonsense? You off your meds?

Oh, well, if you never asked for it, it must be removed. Because of course, you are the only one that matters.

So, you are completely utterly ignorant of changes in society over thew last 20 years.