
Even better to certify it as real, and still worthless.

For the discerning Christian, who doesn’t give a shit about the actual teachings of that fellow they call Christ...”

Are all combat vets such whiney, sissies?

Ill just assume they’re not all as pathetic as you.

With everything going on in the world, being upset over *this* is a remarkable display of shitty priorities.

Jesus, you guys are delusional.

Yeah, he’ll be back. Comic Dante has a thing for making his employees be “reborn” through fire.

A mid-90s comic book seems like about the only place these would fit in.

When I saw there were no new co-op missions with this update, I passed. I want more to DO - I don’t give the tiniest shit about emotes.

Almost never crashes for me.

One would be tempted to ask if he’d seen the prior film - but the dipshit wrote it, so...

Well, those arguments dont tend to be made by deep thinkers.

So, you actually think you know better than Netflix itself, professional trade publications who have also clarified the issue, and those who have actually gone through this process, based on just repeating the same dumb shit.

Yeah, but those who sat on their hands are just as culpable.

I dont think they actually believe in centrists. To them, anything not ULTRA right is ‘libtard’ territory.

Just repeating a false claim doesn’t make it true, dipshit.

Back it up, or just admit you dont know, or shut the fuck up.

The director has confirmed it, though.

Oh, they almost certainly due. Altered cuts between regions isn’t terribly uncommon. But its on them to pick which one they upload. Netflix doesn’t make that call.

And you can support this, how?

No, the streaming companies dont choose (unless of course its something they produced). They’re not like, provided multiple versions and asked to pick. They put up what is provided by the outfit that owns distribution rights for a given region. 

so much as it foolishly grabbed a different version”