
His reasons being dumb dont make the headline misleading. 

I think the studio was smart. They knew they had a stinker on their hands, and would have just been wasting money to push it harder.

I wont miss them. I just did not connect with his interpretation of the characters on any level, and didn’t want to spend any more time with them at all.

Yeah, Id say its the guy who made personal attacks after his misunderstanding of a word was pointed out.

And bye.

A lot, no. But a consistent stream, absolutely. Ive even been flown out to both coasts to host screenings. Good times.

Which is more than acting like a dick on a website is doing for you, Id wager.

Oh, and I never went to film school. Just self taught. Which has brought me cash prizes, film festival awards, jobs for Netflix and Marvel (separately), and I have a DTV feature that, while by no means a hit, still makes me money every single day.

Ah, that’s sweet. Can’t acknowledge your own limited vocabulary, so go for the personal attacks. That’ll show you’re really smart, honest!

Jesus, son.

HOW he becomes something isn’t a theme, that’s plot (a common mistake, my high school students make it all the time). “If” or “why” are thematic question. Which are stated about as plainly as possible without literally flashing text on the screen. And I suppose you fell asleep during the many conversations between he

I was pulling for him when they were casting BvS - but they’re going for a younger Bats, and Urban is the same age as Affleck.

You get that “in production” means actually filming, right?

There's one Joker movie, and a bunch of discarded announcements that have not, and will not be followed up on. Mostly from before leadership changed. 

God damn those missions.

You know its a different guy running things now right? Who just got them their biggest hit ever?

Wait... is anyone deluded enough to think they weren’t gong to make more Batman moves? Really??

Checking any title out in advance is pretty standard procedure.

The central thematic question is “should he use his powers to help people”. Its almost literally the first thing shown. The decision is made. And that’s hardly the only instance. The flashbacks are poorly structured as well, having clear thematic parallels that it ignores. Like the bullying flashback would serve

Looking over your other replies, you seem to be deliberately obtuse and disingenuous. Have fun with that.

Short version: You needs it to feel manly.

It is, though. Waiting a little bit for updates isn’t the same as having to upgrade the machine. You get that, right?