The merger doesn’t go through till next summer, and my understanding is that there are legal boundaries from either having any input into the others projects until then - so not likely.
The merger doesn’t go through till next summer, and my understanding is that there are legal boundaries from either having any input into the others projects until then - so not likely.
Can’t tell if you’re trolling, really dumb, or just a straight up asshole. Likely all three.
But still better than assholes trying to ruin the game for others.
It used to be pretty much every show, though its less common now (especially for shows designed to be binged). Doctor Who still does.
Pretty much every 90's syndicated show did.
Aw, I wish they were still making Every Frame a Painting episodes.
Not that these shows are above lifting from each other, but I doubt they’d have 2 of their shows do the “hero teams up with his kid from the future” at the same time.
Well, thanks for wasting all of our time, I guess?
A film he’s so “immensely” proud of - that he stopped showing up to the set, and was fired.
Like, Pete said this was gonna happen in the SNL premiere. Sure, he probably (probably) thought it was a joke at the time. But he called it, nonetheless.
Wow you did it again.
Ignores examples of them condoning PC behavior on the show, then accuses others of being in a bubble.
“fans of this show are actually trying to spin this episode into something they can agree with.”
Wanting to spoil yourself... nothing wrong with that.
There are two Sarahs!
*Must! Comment! Before! Reading!*
Opinions, man. That’s all they are. I didn’t think War Zone was a classic or anything, just more interesting than the Florida-set bore-fest.
You’re not missing anything.
You say that as if it hasn’t been a MASSIVE success. Far beyond just a zombie program would have alone.