
Giving me hardcore MAKO flashbacks...

I was rooting for it - but didn’t much care for how it came out. Putting the man behind some of the worst “blockbuster” movies of the last couple decades, and has already wrecked 2 on-screen “universes” in charge doesn’t do a lot to improve my outlook on Trek as it stands.

There s no good answer to the situation - but this woman seems completely unsympathetic to what the child is going through and sees it as all about her. Shes never gong to have a relationship with the daughter if thats what she maintains.

Running a responsible marketplace is hard... so we’re just gonna bail on the “responsible” part.

Thanks for proving my theory.

Oooh, obvious troll needs attention. Guess Mommy didn’t hug him.

...really? Reading for tone is common, and is a matter of opinion on behalf of the reader (I even said it was an opinion before). It could be the wrong interpretation, but it is simply a personal impression, not a statement of fact (and Im not the only one who pointed out your whiney tone). You, on the other hand,

Wow, the irony.

I didnt attribute a statement to you, numbnuts. I expressed an opinion about your whiney tone. Learn to read.

So many of those saying miniatures were not a part of the game seem to be under the impression that if they were not aware of it, it didn’t exist - period.

You sound like you’re clutching your box of miniature in fury as you ask this.

My gamer friends barely even bother with rulebooks anymore. They’re just a guideline for interactive storytelling sessions.

He’s been invited to every set, and Howard brought him on as adviser on Solo.

The school where I teach had a shooting a few months ago. After we evacuated all the kids, the staff gathered for a moment of silence. Some asshole none of us knew popped in at that very moment to say “You, know, if you all had guns...”

I like how you created an account just to complain about people being critical of this show.

Which still has to be approved by a judge, but its the Arrowverse Jake.

It couldn’t possibly be because the problems with the show are consistent and obvious.

Which is even sillier - why would she have a line to the Waverider? Oliver (or really, damned near ANYONE else on the show) having a way to contact them at least makes a little sense, but not her.

“- I’m no legal expert, but is Ollie’s confession actually legally valid? “