You have failed Sherwood Forest!
You have failed Sherwood Forest!
HA! Yeah, you just know he’s a hard core GGater douchenozzle. Or at least, he studied their style of discourse.
It has become quite comical how steadfastly you cling to this bullshit “its only popular cuz free” narrative. Ive seen many people point out to you that they’re making plenty of money - because people love it enough to choose to pay, or that plenty of adults play it - but you’re clearly too dense, or just dishonest,…
Stop doing the thing that makes it unique! Good plan. Change is bad! Stagnation all the way!
He does have the right to say whatever he likes. And everyone else has the right to say that his statements are fuckin dumb, and he would be better to clam up. Freedom of speech does not mean without push back.
Petty Officer Obvious?
Sure, not to the whopping 10% (if that) of the audience who’s read those....
XBox doesn’t have cross platform play - so most players he comes up against are using a controller, as well.
And such timelines have nothing to do with this game based around fort building, genius. Are you really not capable of grasping a simple play on words?
Realy? Are you just acting oblivious...?
Its impressive how eager you guys (and we know you’re all guys) are to announce how fucking oblivious you are to the obvious difference.
How dumb must one be to need the difference explained to them??
Typical wingnut douchnozzle: “I don’t have to cite any examples, they’re everywhere, sheeple!”
The courtyard at the High School where I teach is filled with these Jizz Trees.
Announcement of a TV version of the show pending...
Well played.