This came up just as I was going to bed last night. And so, I stayed up too late watching.
Perhaps. But the same arguments were largely made for motion controls a few years ago, which reach a VASTLY broader adoption level with consumers - and has still become irrelevant.
Because, uh, they’re all about FREEDOM*!
And once again, Ill believe it when I see it. The pukes currently in charge have too long and broad a record of hippocracy for me to just buy the “but its the rules” line. They ignore procedure all the time if it serves them.
Ill believe it when I see it.
Good, I missed it there.
The exact same assholes who demanded investigation after investigation into their made-up Benghazi conspiracy will shrug this off and ignore it.
James Gunn posting this on the topic yesterday:
Maybe look things up before ASSuming he didn’t address it...
That you equate those who call for white supremacy to those who speak out against it, says all that need be said about you, you piece of shit.
Not because I “disagree” with you - but because you willfully misrepresent words to defend sieg-heiling fucktards. If you’re doing that and you’re NOT on drugs, you’re even worse than I thought.
Color me surprised a trumspter has limited reading skill, but no, he didn’t say all trump supporters are white nationalists - but that white nationalists tend to be trump supporters. Its a simple logical and semantic distinction, which one must possess more than just a half dozen oxy-riddled brain cells left to…
Are we sure its not just for song choice?
Well, at least it is marked as a video on the front page.
I think Ann Coulter already secured that name for her band, years ago.
This is the same guy who turned a letter of condolence to John Travolta into an essay about how awesome he is. He is literally incapable of being a decent human being for even a moment.
You’re totally correct on the writing front. They spoke about it at SDCC last year, and admitted that the script at that point was hundreds of pages (due to branching), and still not finished to their liking. They also had a tendency to write in gameplay elements that were not possible with their engine, which caused…
Oh, Jesus. She’s lyiing - that’s why she’s getting torn down. Get a fucking clue.