“Another stroke of genius was assembling a cast of characters from the previous four entries”
“Another stroke of genius was assembling a cast of characters from the previous four entries”
Watched this randomly last week. It is interesting. Ive been practicing when I remember.
What a whiney shit. He should be thanking Johnson for keeping the series alive.
So, how does one fall if they only hate-watched Sons of Anarchy, just to see all the characters die?
“Her show must therefore be timed as tightly as the Oscars,”
They do what they’re told, that’s why. Thinking doesn’t factor in.
Well, I don’t go to country concerts - but in general, those events would not have allowed guns (in the audience, at least)
Those freaks just sit around fantasizing about zombie uprisings / race wars - depending on where they fall on the insane macho derangement scale.
Maybe you should have informed yourself about the proposed change before getting all sanctimonious.
So, its bad for others to speak on the subject without a doctorate, but a-okay for your aggro ass. That’s cute. You sound like exactly the type that will pay a website for a certificate, and then *claim* that they need to take their precious everywhere, because their (likely imaginary) doctor told them to.
You’re goddamned right.
Yeah, yeah, poor Megan has had absolutely no impact on how people perceive her.
The clip seems to be gone, but they did a great bit on Samantha Bee’s show where they supposedly interviewed one of these fake news writers. Mr. Fake Writer sat down all ready to state his case, and the interviewer basically called him an asshole, and ended the interview.
Fragile egos?
Hmm... I recently found 2 GC controllers an old roomate left in my garage, which I will likely never use myself...
I read it accurately on my first glance. Im sorry you struggle with it so.
Gotta love the trend with moron right wingers of late - nothing is ever bad, especially their actions, its just the media’s fault for making it seem that way.
A video? Nevermind, moving on.
The legend is poorly worded, perhaps - but the graph is easy to read. I see no contradiction. Blue/Multiplayer has this many, yellow/single player has that many.
Blue = Multiplayer, Yellow = Single Player.