I remember 'Encarta'.... at school pre internet we would kill time looking up random rubbish on that....and playing the few video clips it had on it...
I remember 'Encarta'.... at school pre internet we would kill time looking up random rubbish on that....and playing the few video clips it had on it...
ouch....some of his framing is fine...plus bare in mind it is just in a hotel room...the sounds a little abstract but far better than silence or an ill fitting music bed..
My $0.02
oh...now I really want to dig my PS2 out and play some of my favorites...
Wow! now you can look like the ultimate geek whilst sitting quietly on the train wearing 3d glasses and holding a tablet...
@Caturday Yet?: Thanks...it's by no means the best game ever...but just pleased to see it make it into the worlds charts...
Weird...my 100% free game 'Quake Builder' the no.1 action/puzzle game in 13 countries didn't make the list.
@ekornblum: :-) and I make iphone games in my spare time...so I errrr..hope your right I guess.
wow! this things seems seriously over engineered, how many forms of interaction can you put into once device...
@wanderingrabbi: not yet. I'm toying with adding them...I'll see if theres a way to do it without ruining the game.
@hellobard: that looks great... I'll suggest it as another reason for us to buy an ipad to my other half...
@Mysterious Goat: cheers...I've just sent that link around the office.
My first game 'Quake Builder' the full version is now 100% free on the App Store after being for sale for 9 months.
Can someone please reupload the video but with the 'Inception' music....
@hostile-17: yep... that was what I thought the clearwire logo actually was...
@vinter: well of course.... there will be all sorts of virtual orifices to do with what ever you like in a couple of years.
6 months without having an iphone seems like a long time... I'd jump on board now. The iphone 4 is going to still be a pretty fantastic phone in 2 years...and then when you upgrade the iphone 6 will be awesome... holo screen, projector, with the depth of a credit card... or something like that....
Pop up tent review goes bad....