@bdkennedy1002: carbon fibre finish
@bdkennedy1002: carbon fibre finish
@geolemon: you're right, ok it mentions they were invented in the 90's in the article...so why did they post if as gadget news? I had a go on one a couple of years ago...was very good...
@MichelleTofi: really..?...have you seem the general conversations on giz...
I wonder if it looses power if you hold it wrong...the death grip...?
Plunderland looks visually lovely...
@Modano: yep...my bad...
@Pr.Sinister: oh whoops...my bad then... too much traffic on the site I guess.
Probably: Turn up, say whoops this antena thing got a bit out of hand, please have a free roll of blacktape to put round your phone.
@roblema: just searched, and installing 'QR reader' free on the app store...NOPE DONT USE IT... just tries to link you to a website that wont load...
read on another site it will not actually allow you to upload to the market place, hopefully that's not ture.
@sudiptya.banerjee1: I thought the ipad was office friendly...?
@Tanjoodo: ...well it does say 'the creator' in speech marks when I refer to my opinion. and that I ask for feedback on how to improve it..... so err.. .yep...
@a_guy_named_ryan: errr... nope... but I like the uber geeky reference...
@KamWrex: :-) .... nope.. you can do it all using imovie on an iphone... or so my work mates tell me...
Like the new layout... cheers Giz.
@Joshua Kelsey: what Red Block remover?
actually pretty cool....
how exciting...
Just tried it, iphone 4 to mac book, over Skype using the app, sound level much quieter than on a normal skype call and the video frame rate over wifi is real real rubbish....
wow!!! 3D how very exciting...