Stormy Weather

I lived in several countries and yes, America is not alone. However, it does seem to value the freedom of the perpetrators to be assholes than the right of the victims to not be victimized  

But you did find a new job and even if it’s temporary, you have some freedom. I know we’re only internet acquaintances, but I am so happy to hear that you found a new job I want to cry right now. Congratulations!

Can I recommend a menstrual cup? They can hold more than just about any tampon, which allows you to go longer without changing. There is a learning curve and you will have to get very comfortable with bloody hands (sorry, TMI) during removal, but I freaking love mine

Are you the one that was trying to move away from your family a few months back? I hope so, I was soooooo rooting for you =)

Hey there girl. I am sorry that your “friend” abandoned you because your lived experience was too much for her to witness. I want you to know that you are seen, heard, and appreciated.

I don’t get why people still eat it in 2020

Honestly, I don’t give a fuck how this person chooses to identify because my consideration for her feelings went out the window when she chose to put my race on as a damn costume

One of my best purchases is a black glitter asymmetrical skirt and shrug set that I bought from Patricia Field for a New Year’s party that Kathy Griffen complimented me on =)

I actually know him from a previous job. Definitely German military and really sweet (I know those 2 thing shouldn’t go together, but they do in this instance)

Absolutely not. If he needs help realising how awful he is, it is not her job to be his therapist. Honestly, she should block and delete his ass as she would a gangrenous limb and never look back. But I understand not everyone has the same ability I have to give zero fucks about a person after they hurt me

You can see the traction alopecia in her hair line and speaking as a person who still has missing patches of hair from tight styles, I know they are probably not going to come back. And since she’s so young, the damage could have been mitigated if they styled her hair differently even some of the time 

I love scrapple!

I just upgraded my mid 2012 macbook and had the chance to look inside while my friend replaced the hard drive with an SSD. It was lovely and it feels like I have a new machine =)

me too!

Gather round y’all cause it’s time for a story.

They are delicious, they are wonderful, and I will always buy them over all chocolate when possible. But I live in Europe and can get the real stuff, so I’m not sure of the quality stateside

Nope, salted almond is freaking ambrosia 

Preach! As I currently fight for fair pay and against two of the most powerful women in my office for committing the crime of being smart while black, this sentence touched my soul.

Thank you! Was thinking no one heard of the laundries in Ireland where unwed mothers were sent and sadly often molested by Catholic nuns

wait, what? what the hell did I miss?