Stormy Weather

I work with children and if I found out the mother was still breastfeeding, I would look at the child’s behavior in comparison to the rest of the children i work with. The kids eat at the table with a knife and fork and real napkins for lunch. Some of them have better table manners than adults I know. So nutritionally

I treated myself to my first ever makeup splurge and got the Fenty lip paint in Uncensored, in addition to my first foundation purchase. That color lasts for HOURS. And it pops like no other. I will definitely be buying some more products from her. 

I’m confused, how is saying “ not too sweet” a bad thing. I love my booze and the only things I can’t stomach is vodka and peppermint schnapps. So I would probably like most things a bartender makes that isn’t overly sweet. Should I say “more sour” instead?

I drank Everclear a few times in college. If I remember correctly, it didn’t make you drunk, just sick/ blacked out. I never could get the hang of the stuff without going from sober to the spins that made me want to die. Guess I’ll be able to get some more practice now. As long as I can avoid the possible blindness

Why is he terrible for giving her exactly one more chance? I know the commenter already admitted it, but she/ he sounds downright awful

Thank you so much! This sounds exactly what I was looking for

How do I reduce my drinking? I used to be able to drink a lot. But I am getting older and I really want to reduce my alcohol intake because I fear the upcoming health issues. I don’t drink everyday, but I do binge drink, which I know is so.much.worse. As in, I can easily drink a bottle of wine in one sitting.

OMG, just.shut.up

If she is neglecting her family to text you, then it is not a healthy friendship and if you love her as a friend, you will reduce your access to her so that you do not contribute to the dissolution of her marriage. Healthy friendships don’t make you feel “wrong and weird” (your words).

Block him. Do not allow his negativity to invade your happiness. 

So far he sounds cool. Does he listen when you have problems? Does he encourage you when you are down? How do you feel after seeing him? Are you refreshed and happy you two were together or depressed and analyzing the things he said that made you feel bad? Trust your instincts, they are usually right and we mess up

They make my special place look so old =(

I’m sure shape plays a role, as in if your lips hang a bit you may experience chafing, however I think body chemistry is probably more influential. (TMI) My vulva has been described as “neat” and have minimal protrusion of the inner lips. But I am moist and there is almost always some discharge in my underwear. There

Thank you! All members of Black and Brown Greek Organizations, professional business alliances, and influential committees need to put their collective power to good use and put the Democrats’ feet to the flames. We have passed the point of compromise and niceties and if the Democratic leaders do not have the stomach

But they do. I am not defending the decision here at all. I just want to let people here know that everyone that has been granted permission to live in Denmark (which is a major feat in and of itself) is given access to free language classes and civics classes. If you have been granted refugee status, you have free

You will always be othered, it just depends on your country of origin if the experience will be positive with some negativity or negative with some positivity. I am American and that gave me some privilege that people from African and Muslim countries did not benefit from. So many people may have looked at me

The problem is taking a year off, at an especially vulnerable age, and returning to you new country of residence a year behind in education and language. German is a hard ass language to master and if your parents are not native speakers, your family from your country are not native speakers and you’ve only been

I lived in Denmark for a number of years and everything sounds terrible, even if I understand the reasoning. Denmark is a homogenous country and from my experience as a WOC, the main things they care about are you paying your taxes and learning Danish customs if you want permanent residence. You eat Danish food, you

I sincerely doubt the people in charge of this shit storm of a country understand the damage they are doing to the general public as well as themselves. People do not want to come to the US. There is absolutely nothing of value, that I see, that is produced in the US that cannot be replicated elsewhere, except for the

I would imagine the meat that has been cooked for over 24 hours would not have enough flavor, fat, or other rich bits to be worth cooking again. Not to knock the diet at all, but it doesn’t seem to have considered taste at all. Also, like the other commenter pointed out, the bones would be pretty much useless as well.