Stormy Weather

You will always be othered, it just depends on your country of origin if the experience will be positive with some negativity or negative with some positivity. I am American and that gave me some privilege that people from African and Muslim countries did not benefit from. So many people may have looked at me

The problem is taking a year off, at an especially vulnerable age, and returning to you new country of residence a year behind in education and language. German is a hard ass language to master and if your parents are not native speakers, your family from your country are not native speakers and you’ve only been

I lived in Denmark for a number of years and everything sounds terrible, even if I understand the reasoning. Denmark is a homogenous country and from my experience as a WOC, the main things they care about are you paying your taxes and learning Danish customs if you want permanent residence. You eat Danish food, you

I sincerely doubt the people in charge of this shit storm of a country understand the damage they are doing to the general public as well as themselves. People do not want to come to the US. There is absolutely nothing of value, that I see, that is produced in the US that cannot be replicated elsewhere, except for the

I would imagine the meat that has been cooked for over 24 hours would not have enough flavor, fat, or other rich bits to be worth cooking again. Not to knock the diet at all, but it doesn’t seem to have considered taste at all. Also, like the other commenter pointed out, the bones would be pretty much useless as well.

Ooooh, I hope so because I am so honored to live in a time where I, a black woman, have seen Obama and Merkel rule the world stage

Wait, were they serious in calling it an abomination because I absolutely loved it

OMG, that was amazing

I used to work in production and remember hearing the producer scream into the walkies that we were going to hit a meal penalty. Never understood why it was a big deal until someone broke it down to me. Then I respected the union for having it. Especially when they had the clause that a meal was NOT pizza

I live in a place where you can still see the original bullet holes in the buildings from the 2nd World War. The people here have not forgotten and the fear of what the US is becoming is real

And this is why I am conflicted about this case. I’ve read elsewhere that he was considered a fair judge in regards to minority defendants. And we know that when people talk about being hard on crime, POC are the ones that pay the highest price. Having said that, he made a terrible mistake with this case and I’m

Thank you for being the one to say this! Sherpas do 95% of the hard, grueling work, including carrying equipment, setting up camp, and setting the guide lines that the “climbers” need to not get swept off the mountain. They actually go up and down the mountain several times to do all of these tasks. So if a sherpa

I’m learning German now. It makes me want to cry when I have to identify the subject, direct object, and indirect object as well as tense so I can figure out which of the 12 articles I need to use to make my sentence grammatically correct.

I freaking love that show!

If I’m enjoying myself, I think about how good everything feels and try to make sure my partner DOES NOT STOP until I need him too. If it is bad, then I’m thinking about physically guiding them to make it feel better (i.e., hand on their hips trying to find a better angle). if it’s really bad, then I’m thinking about

I know! I love the fact that Penny is assumed to sleep around and she actually dated a “good” guy that turned out the be a right asshole. The whole, not judging a book by its cover thing still plays well today

My mom made fun of me for always having a backpack, but there was a reason behind the insanity. Need a place to store the unused layers

If it makes you feel any better, I absolutely love long beak-like noses. I mean that, a large nose will always catch my eye =)

Qualitative analyst here as well. Self reported data IS DATA. Full stop.

I just finished watching the season and came here just to find someone to share my hatred of Trish with! She was so fucking terrible, but when she shot JJ’s mom? I literally screamed, “that bitch!” As fucked up as her mother was, she only had her for a few moments and the last sweet moment with her was literally