Stormy Weather

Or the black Isrealites. I took a white Danish boyfriend to New York and had to tell him beforehand, do not engage. They will not like us being together and I really don’t want to have that battle. And sure enough, we saw some on Lexington Ave and I had to push my ex in the opposite direction before they saw us

I’m in Europe, an hour behind London =)

I lost my virginity at 14 years of age. He was 14/15. At my now 37 years of age, I can say with certainty that I was ready and I do not regret it. I knew about safe sex (thank Mom!) and I was a very sexually curious child. Not because I was abused (I wasn’t), but because that is my personality. And I am grateful that

Why do you care what SHE does with HER body? Even if you think that life begins at conception, why do you care if she terminates? Why care if she carries to term? Neither of these decisions nor their consequences affect you. You and your partner made decisions for the two of you. I do not agree with them, but I also

Auntie Mame is who I aspire to be in old age. Wardrobe, boozy hippy friends, and banging body included

Thank you for the freaking spoiler.

No, not it is not. I immigrated to another developed nation (2 to be exact) and most countries only want to know if you have enough money to support yourself legally during your stay if you are an educated immigrant that will have little trouble finding work in the country

I’ll do you one better; I can’t even get English language content in my current country through legal means. I tried going to Amazon Prime to get a movie. Paid for it (actually my friend paid for it, but whatever) and only after it was purchased did we see it was in the country’s language with NO OPTION to see it in

their reactions were because they had their minds made up already.

I honestly think he picked donors that had features similar to the final result of his many surgeries. Which would explain why Paris looks so much like him

And it such an expensive hobby too! The price of a lift, the clothes, and the equipment is why poor Stormy has never even sat in a chair lift

I almost always, as long as I could remember, had some kind of scalp damage from relaxers. Professional, home made, did not matter. The only time I left a salon with straight hair AND no chemical burns was the Jamaicans in Brooklyn that would work and wash each section separately. My scalp is just very sensitive and

Wait, so you believe that your husband sexually abused his daughter and you want to have a child with him?!?!

yes. The home life is a massive fire right now and having a baby in the middle of the disaster, when they can’t even talk to each other without yelling, is not going to make anything better

I discovered this in the Boots inside Heathrow and I fucking live for it. My sensitive/combination skin can get so dry it will develop scaly patches of flaky skin. I’ve tried everything, including rubbing pure olive oil and then Vaseline to protect my skin in the dryer months. This stuff has saved my skin and pray

I finally stayed up late enough for a social =)

Dude, I had to visit a boyfriend and a family member there. Have been a visitor more times than I would admit and am happy to never have to go back

Well, I just booked a trip to Morocco, so maybe you can check out Marrakech?

OMG, my mother took me and my brother to see that when were like 10 and 6, respectively. We both were scared out of our minds, I hid behind the seats, and we made our mom leave the theaters after about 30 minutes. And slept with crosses under our pillows for months