Stormy Weather

as in, they are over 30, have good girth and they can actually get hard and come from normal, non chafing hour long pounding. Have you seen the series Easy on Netflix? Where the lead female character asks, “who wants to fuck a semi hard dick?” that is me...

Considering that I literally, just ended a conversation with my best male friend where I lamented the difficulty in finding someone that I loved AND had a monster penis that I would be happy fucking for the rest of my days, this show speaks to me...

I refuse to watch her video and give her more views.

OMG, this is the most civilized thing I have come across on the internet. Thank you for restoring my hope in humanity =)

I did read it and the article and links made me reevaluate my approach so it is greatly appreciated.

Yeah, this is my second experience with a guy in the scene and both made my spider senses tingle. Thanks for the advice and I’ll be sure to play more carefully in the future

Earlier, I wrote about my experiences at my first fetish party last night. Long story short, my date who I had my first public sexual experience with decided to tell me that he had a girlfriend. And he said this about 30 minutes after we banged.

I moved abroad and had to take an employer to court to get money owed to me in a work situation that can only be described as exploitation. I was amazed at (a) the accessibility and (b) the ease. I am an immigrant that does speak the language of my country and i was STILL able to get a free lawyer for consultation and

Girl, my heart goes out to you. If you really want to be a nurse, then just do it. Don’t focus on starting at the bottom since the time is going to pass either way and it would be better spent doing something that results in happiness for you than continuing on the same sad road

I just joined Tinder and so far, it’s been a blast!

Thank you!

This made me cackle like a drunken fool, thank you!

I used to use Purpose and loved it. No scent, so gentle. But then I used Retina A and my skin became even more sensitive, so I only use water now

Peaky Blinders is a THOUSAND times better than Boardwalk Empire. The clothes, accents, and writing is phenomenal and I wished they has season 3 on Netflix. Seriously one of my favorite shows atm

I know everyone wants to bash Michael Jackson and many have called him a pedo, but many of the boys that he could have molested (and have said that others molested them) have repeatedly said that he did not touch them. This includes Corey Feldman and Macaulay Culkin. The only ones that claimed he touched them and then

Here you go!

I have been bitten by a child and it took all my strength not to hit them with the back of my hand in their mouth, because that is what I do when someone bites you hard. I do not hit kids, but bites are one of the things that make me want to.

Are you fucking kidding me? You are not “playing devil’s advocate”, you’re trying to find a way to justify racial discrimination under the pretense of lived experience.

I read it too and was disturbed at how universal the experience of getting shitted on when you are a TV production minion is. I thought the reason I felt like shit when I worked in TV was because I was terrible at my job. Turns out I’m just average. And it makes me very happy I left it years ago.

Anyone who is a jerk to others will eventually be a jerk to you. Do not pursue, unless all you want is cock. Then proceed, safely.