Stormy Weather

bathsalts-tweaked art student Hildy

I knew Hildi was a hateful wrench when she said that she kept her own home totally white because she liked clean and minimilist.

Silicone that is not encased in something and is liquid (think of breast implant filling) will migrate and then adhere to different parts of the body. So it is almost like glue on your joints/ ligaments/ muscle fibers. It hardens, especially if scar tissue starts to form around it, and becomes extremely difficult if

But her comment about Kylie was because she was directly asked about their relationship by the radio personality that was interviewing her. And she tried to be diplomatic about it. The Klan then attacked and slutshamed her past, so she showed them the hypocrisy of shaming her while enjoying the spoils of Kim’s sex

I think he will get his recognition for his artistic talent once he’s dead. Currently, he’s way too much of an asshole for people to give him the credit he’s due

I only hear about her responding to nasty things the Klan or Kanye has said about her. Like the the “30 showers” comment came out of nowhere and was unprovoked. So she called out Kim’s family riding on her coattails and getting rich from her fame, post sex tape. Everything else has been about addressing sex shaming on

You can’t overdose on vitamin C, but you can ingest too much for your body to handle, which will result in ongoing poops that will make your booty sore for days. Not that I would know or anything O_o

I’ve actually watched bot fly larvae removal videos on you tube. Won’t do it again

Oh fuck that, I vividly remember one hot-as-balls summer where my brother and I (12 and 8 years old, respectively) were attacked by the flying fuckers. Our apartment in Brooklyn was right above a corner store. We think the high temperature sent the foul things from the basement to our home. One landed on my mom’s bed

that’s what I thought too

I currently have one hanging out in the corner of my bedroom. I’ve named him Fred. I was thinking about killing him because I didn’t like sleeping literally right beneath his web. But then a mosquito that was bothering me flew into Fred’s web and I watched as Fred made a mosquito burrito. So I decided to let him stay

And yet HE is out of the greys >:-(

Best fucking episode of that whole damn series

A part of me died when my Frye boots got a hole in the side that could not be repaired. To their credit, they lasted about 3 years of everyday wear with walking and biking several kilometers, daily. Plus, I my mom got them for cheap from Century 21, so I guess she got her money’s worth

make more sense to me than UGGs.

I love a man bun

I’m not trying to be rude, so please take my words with kindness: Your experience is not universal. I’m from NYC, where most jobs are located in Manhattan. Even if you travel 1.5 hours to an outer borough, you’re still paying about $1000 to rent. Shared apartments start at $700. There is no suburb, low rent area. Even

With rental prices in my original home city approaching $1,000 for a studio where placing a bed in the “living room” will leave just enough space for you to stand in the “kitchen”, you need more than the basic list of requirements that you listed. Working minimum wage is not going to keep a roof over your head in most

Oh God, the Scandinavians. By far, the hottest group of men I have ever had the pleasure of eye humping. My only experience with a Norwegian left me sore for days

Oh goodness no, not Tyler “I can write the same exact thing over and over again and people will see it because they are thirsty for ANY Black film” Perry!