Stormy Weather

Not true, read about the Tuareg of Africa. Men are veiled instead of the women and family lines and inheritance are passed through the mother

I actually heard a pastor give an interesting read on the whole Adam and Eve thing. His argument was women are blamed for Eve's sin, but what about Adam? He was supposed to be Eve's protector and instead of doing his job, he sat back and let Satan have his way, then followed in her footsteps instead of standing up for

Thank you! Every Subway that I even walk past has that same funky smell.

I wrote a post about this exact same thing on groupthink last night. I mean the exact.same.thing

With PR, and this is not a dig at you or your job, you have to be willing to let go of any sense of decency and hope that the people you piss off are fewer than the people who will admire your "courage". It's knowing who to insult and how for the maximum effect. She's gotten attention because she's a pretty, exotic

Ohh, just found out the dismiss button still works. Yes!

If she emerged on the scene with that message, of trying to get moms to take a little time to focus on their physical and mental health, then she would be golden and while there would still be some haters, most would be positive supporters. Instead, her initial message was smug and gloating, literally saying, "I look

That shit is not fun, it hurt my soul, for way too many hours

Oh Everclear. You go straight from sober to sick, without ever stopping at happy drunk

She is known for saying racist things in an effort to be funny, and then saying it's ok because she bangs black dudes. Then for the Oscars, Huffington Post let her be in charge of their twitter account and she tweeted some hella offensive shit about Africa and blacks to promote her book

So she only says racist shit and thinks she can get away with it because she bangs black dudes

I think it's because as a whole, Europe is less culturally diverse in terms of populations of people of color, so they get away with a lot fuckery because there aren't as many people to say, "this is fucked up."

Wow, I thought American cornered the market on stupidity and irresponsibility. I am shocked and dismayed

Honestly, this is why I did my grad program outside of the US. Speaking with my friends who did grad school stateside made me realize that I would hate it. One program that I looked at didn't even require a master's thesis and it was a social research program! They said the internship was the same as the thesis.

I would have hit the little bitch too. And with a good lawyer and the video evidence, mom should be able to get the charges dropped or at least lowered

My dickhead boss said he would reimburse me for my company computer. So I got a laptop that had the specs I would need. I told him I was buying it and said that I needed a laptop since I traveled more than 90 days out the year.

Oh, tell me more!

I found it on a Danish public broadcasting channel and unfortunately can't remember the title =( The Danes show some of the best shows and movies about American pop culture

But carrying on a 6 year affair is totally different from having a one night fuck. The former contains far too much lying and betrayal for the cheater to be anything but a turd. The latter, I'd probably be able to deal with and can chalk it up to horniness.

Yeah, I was shocked when I saw a documentary about her and all the people she slept with. And then she made the mistake of sleeping with a married co-star and his wife was having none of it.