Stormy Weather

That's because Disney actually ripped off H.C Anderson's story, The Snow Queen.

Wait, I just read this part. She blamed you AND didn't apologize? Fuck that noise, she wouldn't get shit

Wow, your sister is making me want to punch things.

The link doesn't work =(

So when someone asks what's the difference between Beyonce and Miley, I am going to say this: Beyonce's sexuality is that which is born from confidence and world experience. As in, she knows who she is and is comfortable in her body. Miley's sexuality is like a person that just discovered her vagina.

I am sorry, but the fact that Seize is white and participating in a black space does not make them the spokesperson for black people in that space. It is a cultural thing, in that it is a term used to "other" women. I am black woman, and it bothers me when my brothers (a) call me that or (b) call other women that.

Nope, gotta disagree with you on that one. My (black) brothers say it and still bothers me because they are othering woman. I.e, "these females want me to settle down", "these females be looking good in xyz", etc. I rarely, if ever, hear them say "these males". It is a way that highlights women being inherently and

Thank you, both for the vibes and for actually reading my rant =)

I was just fired. My crime? Asking someone in the immigration department about my right if I get fired versus quitting. My boss said that the company would be moving to one city, a major city (I'm an American working in Germany). So I got an apartment in that city before we went on holiday so that I would be ready to

I think that is different primarily because he was not in a position of power over you (i.e., teacher, pastor, employer). You had the freedom to walk away without repercussions, so the decision was yours to make. I don't think you should feel like a victim, so don't let some else's experience color yours.

That's a tough one. I would go with something that acknowledges her agency, while also calling attention to problematic behaviors of her partner.

I am not a fan of hers, but I thought that performance was great. She owned that stage and I saw it as a big "fuck you" to Miley when she accepted the Icon award in the bastion of ratchet culture, the doobie. Go 'head girl

Please tell me you popped her in the mouth

If she hasn't/ doesn't make a move, all bets are off. She does not get to claim a guy and then not jump on it. If he shows interest in you, all bets are off

Just had to let you know that you are not alone in this thinking. Asking if someone is ok with something is called CONSIDERATION, something that I find sorely lacking in this community. If my boyfriend was friends with you, I would totally give you the green light since you showed an ability to think about more than

Thank you!

I agree 100% with you. I feel that many of the people who are not in agreement are the same ones that get upset when their guy friends stop hanging out with them once they (the guy) are in a relationship. I am good friends with a bunch of guys, and I have some great female friends. But I would never hang out with the

Now playing

Here's another track of the album that I love!

I really like her studio albums and I play them on repeat when I first get them for weeks on end. But I've seen her perform live twice and she sucked major horse balls. I mean simply terrible, didn't know the lyrics of her own songs, and generally looked like she could care less about giving the audience a good show.