Stormy Weather

As a black person, asking where I'm from is extremely problematic and usually done in a context where the person is not satisfied with my original answer of "America".

I am as black as it get with long (down to my butt) dread and Saturday night, a German woman did exactly that to my hair. I was too drunk to get mad, at the time

Vaseline! I slather it on and never have any problems. And my thighs rub!

There's always pot my friend

Well you're certainly not alone. Last night, I thought it was a great idea to drink 1.5 liters of beer. I'm in Germany and everyone else was doing it, so it just seemed right. My head, at the moment, wishes I hadn't.

I did read the whole thing and unless they are going to wearing boxer shorts, the genitals (at the very least the outline) are still visible and distracting. But I'm speaking as an American where nudity in and of itself is considered problematic

I literally covered my eyes in shock for several minutes after I read the sentence about the models being black and nude.

Auntie Mame with Rosaling Russel. Seriously, her outfits in that movie made me want to be her. Plus she's smart, witty, and kind. And her best friend is a lush. You can't get any better than that.

First, breathe.

But this a great mix!

My family is loving, but they have some rather destructive habits and since I was the voice of reason, I was often seen as the bad guy even if the advice, observations, suggestions I made were right. The only was I could extricate myself from their problems was to move far away.

I knew they were going to try that lame ass excuse for justification, which is why I didn't even click on the link. I tried to scroll past it as fast as I could, but that fucking image is in my brain for what feels like forever.

I haven't been to Gawker since they posted a picture of Trevon Martin's body yesterday, ON THE FRONT PAGE, without any warning. Just BAM! I was so upset I had to turn my computer off and walk into to town for several drinks. Fucking assholes

I can do you one better.

Don't sleep with him unless you are TOTALLY comfortable with the very real possibility of both of them finding out about the other.

I wasn't trying to insult circus performers, I meant circus as in "media circus" or "the next group of individuals who are willing to participate in the media circus that is most reality shows"

OMG, her character in that movie was so very, very sad =(

Just to piggyback on what Ms. Catbus said, if your guy diminishes your concern about the way people are reacting to you and your experiences as a black woman, he is not the guy for you. Period

Please, please take me out of the grey, I have knowledge to spread my eagle on

When the email came out, several friends understood my love for her. She is me (but not the racist tweets)