Stormy Weather

Really? Someone that was generous enough to give a nice, yet expensive gift, deserves to have her friend act like a total ass? Am I to assume that you're either rich and miserable or poor and awesome? If you're poor, then why so glum, you should be surrounded by kick ass people, going by your logic

But that was honestly my favorite episode of the entire series :|

Wait, your brother said he doesn't want to you to live there and your father is totally fine with it? I would tell my brother to nut the fuck up and deal. If he didn't want you to move in, then he should have been an adult about it and said so PRIOR to you moving in.

Hey Jezzies,

But that's exactly what I mean. Instead of anyone commenting, you had to be invited in before the conversion. And instead of the open, interactive community, each commenter has their own blog instead of individual comment strings.

I hate this design simply because they took away the open forum that was groupthink, which was the primary reason I came here at all after the last transformation. If I wanted a personal blog, I'd start one. Oh right, I did! There is no more community where you could say whatever you want. Unless you actually asked to

Not sure how this is going to show up since the new Kinja thing is rolling in, but here's my humble advice.


I say Syracuse because I wanted to go there, but they rejected me. From what I can remember, the classes seemed to be academically sound as a lot of students from my HS (which was rated as one of the best in the country) went there and enjoyed them. Plus she'll be close to New York which I think would be good for her

I filed for bankruptcy and I am so happy I did. Most of the debt was from family members (one open cards in my name and stopped paying, the other had a fire in my apartment when I didn't have renter's insurance) but I would be stuck paying for it for the next 20 years. The creditors can suck a fat one. And, the minute

You will only hit the 50% mark when you're at the top of the pay scale. If you're in the mid to lower region, it's only 38%, which is close what my taxes were in the US as a single childless adult. And as SanNoblesse pointed out, the remainder of your salary is enough to cover the rest of your needs including housing

As an American living in Scandinavia, I cannot agree with you more

Thank You

But that's two out of how many? I'm not saying that fame is forever out of his reach and I honestly wish him the best. But he's taking a big chance by walking away from a major role and the odds of making it big as an actor are already stacked against most. Hopefully he will be another talent with staying power and

Projecting much? No real reasons are given for why he stepped down, so it could be cause he hated the role OR it could be because something better was offered. But good luck to you with your assumptions

I never said he owed anybody anything, I only stated that other actors have made the same move he just did and it was more harmful to their careers than they had anticipated. Why so hostile?

I honestly wish him the best then. Being and actor is hard, and is something that I would never subject myself to, mainly because your career is largely based on public perception. Being a stage actor is (at least from what I know) is vastly different from being an on-screen actor, primarily because of the publicity

Whoops, my bad. But my point still stands

I love (as in hate) how actors that become famous only because of one role they had the good fortune to land on a popular show decide to leave before they or it reaches its peak and seriously think they will go on to be big stars. Not hating on Williams, but he was literally unknown before this show. David Caruso

Thank you! TV and events are freaking brutal! The only flexibility to the schedule is the time between jobs, certainly not the time on assignment. I gave 5 years of my life to Viacom, always hoping that the next job would be "permanent". But then I saw the same office pass through three different people, each one laid