Stormy Weather

I would venture to say that there may be a racial as well as cultural element to the discussion that has been over looked. A commenter touched on this down thread and I want to piggyback on her statement. I do not wear makeup. When I worked in events and TV production, I didn't wear makeup. But I'm also fairly

I am going to go against the grain and not advice you to call CPS. Here's a question that you must honestly ask yourself: Will this girl be better or worse off if she removed and placed in either a foster home or group home? The "mother" is certainly not the best, but if there are no signs of abuse (just lack of

I agree with emmabrocker2 who is against blazers on someone your age. If the company that you are interviewing with is cool, then the blazer will look like you're trying to hard. I'm also against colorful or patterned tights because they can be hit or miss and are rather difficult to pull off. When I lived in NY and

So happy you said it and saved me the motherf*cking keystrokes!

How would that work since the site in describing a truthful act? I'm not a lawyer so please explain.

Extortion might be the best course of action, but only if the person in question is not a prostitute, and has never engaged in activities that would make a reasonable person believe that they were sex workers. But unfortunately, I'm not too hopeful with that =(

Anytime =)

If anyone needs dental work and are in the New York area, please check out the NYU Dental Clinic. They charge on a sliding scale, take insurance, and charge much less than licensed dentists since they are still students. But they are super professional and the teachers are licensed, so there are experts on hand if the

Couldn't you have provided examples without the hostility and name calling?

I'm so sorry you and your boyfriend are going through such trouble. I have nothing to offer but internet hugs. But you have all that want =)

That was the only thing that made my skin clear. But it has been about 8years since i last used it and my skin is still sensitive and it has taken me almost as long to figure out a skin care regimen that (a) didn't make my dry spots worse (b) make the oily spots worse (b) not cause an allergic reaction in any part.

I tried. I had to stop it once I realized her hair was an afro-type wig >:(

I completely agree with you, on all points. I'm in a foreign country finishing my masters degree and I've seen several rounds of exchange students. The drinking culture here is so different from the US, you're allowed to drink on public transportation and on the streets. Plus the drinking age is 16, so the native

What part of Spain were you in? I spent a few days in Barcelona and was surprised by how nice everyone was to me since I'm pretty dark (and that hot sun made me even darker) with locks.

Condoms do not protect you from all diseases, specifically herpes and genital warts

I hate when people try to share the 1.5 seat in the corners of the newer trains that flip down. Yes they are slightly larger than one person. No it is not big enough to fit two people. I had one person sit on it after I flipped it down and made sure I squeezed my ass into her as hard as I could for taking my seat. I

Mark my words people, there is going to be a surge of violence that grips the country in a way that we have not witnessed since the 80's. Everyday there is another story that demonstrates our collective lost of humanity. That, coupled with the disregard for life that is constantly demonstrated by law enforcement, plus

Check out her blog, Gabi fresh. She puts together really cute outfits in a range of styles for curvy girls

How do you know he sodomized them? How are you certain that he wasn't a bottom? Your choice of words reveals a certain disgust that I suspect is the root of your objections to this case

No actually, I wouldn't, provided all other factors remained the same