
I backed it, and the PVP stuff makes me just as mad as everyone else. That said, I am holding onto hope that I will get the game that was promised by the end of 2016. This is the only Kickstarter game I have backed and it looks like I won’t be doing it again. Even with a credible team behind it, it seems like it’s

I like Dunkey, and I respect his decision to quit league for the reasons he gave about the actual game mechanics itself. That said, I don’t agree with his decision to trash-talk like a maniac nor do I think he should be exempt from any punishment just due to his position.

Thanks for the response. Ah so the idea seems pretty cool and after reading Mike’s review on 2.0 as well, infinity seems pretty interesting.

Never played Infinity, didn’t follow it much until this review (cuz Star Wars).

I knew the jump scare was coming since I saw the GIF. It still got me anyways. Side notes:

This game has confused me for a long time. I thought it was so cool, then so broken, cool again, albeit so disorganized. I haven’t bought into the game yet, I just follow some press coverage here and there, but I am beginning to worry that this game just seems to be a whole bunch of ideas mashed together poorly.

I used to despise this man. I thought pewdiepie was the scourge of YouTube and gaming videos. I hated his childish antics and thought his popularity was a bane to the YouTube gaming audience. Lately- I’ve started to like this guy. He’s not only shown transparency and honesty with his audience - but the entire gong

Happy Anniversary! I friggin love Highlight reel. So many great finds on there it’s awesome.

I think it was actually done in a Star Wars game before. Ever play SW Battlefront: Elite Squadron on the PSP ? The story mode in that had the same thing happen haha.

For me, coming from LOL, i’ve definitely had fun with HOTS. I am not by any means a hardcore MOBA player, I just like to play once in a while with friends. One of my good friends was turned off by the complexity and time commitment that LOL and DOTA had. Being a blizzard fan, having a connection to those characters,

I’ve been a huge Fire Emblem fan my entire life. I’ve played every single one since the 6th game (I imported it from Japan to play). However, I haven’t touched a Persona game, nor do I know much anything about the series.

I don’t know about this game. You’ve really got to wonder if Nintendo is just completely ignorant of what fans expect, and he kept dodging your question about classic Metroid. I will wait and see reviews/hands-on previews from this game before forming any opinion.

Oh, thanks, I see. So it’s not like they completely removed the feature all-together. That’s better than I originally thought but I feel that since flying apparently is such an integrated feature now, it’s just too late to stop supporting it going forward. I am not gonna pretend to know how much it sucks that the

I’m confused. I stopped playing the game back in WOTLK, but does this mean that all flying mounts are completely unusable. Including Northrend and Outlands? Or just in Draenor and future locales?

Friggin amazing video. Though as others have said, any real Fire Emblem fan/player would NEVER let their characters die off left and right like that. The feelings are too stronk.

This is one of the best articles I have read in a long time. Though AC2 remains my favorite, I will say that I spent FAR more time and had much more fun in ACIV. (AC2 had a stronger lead and story, which for me was what makes it slightly better thatn ACIV).

I actually did so just this weekend to try and finish 100% sync. That’s just weird that we’re all going back to it now.

Would you say that the gameplay is akin to something like Crisis Core?

Definitely looking to get this game eventually, just hope that the bugs get fixed later on. Luke, can you keep up coverage on this game as patches are released? I'd love to know when things improve on the management side, and hear your thoughts on it when you get your hands on it again.

The first instance I ever had of seeing Nomura's work was playing Kingdom Hearts. The first Final Fantasy game I played was actually Crisis Core. And from there, FF7, FF8, FF13 and then FF4 (i know he didn't work on FF4). I equally love them all, but I friggin love the character designs in FF7 and the expanded FF7