
You would think but since it sits at my desk all tastes great. I never drink them very cold to begin with so overall it’s the same flavor all day.

lol!! nope...I quite enjoy it as it gives me something to enjoy all day at work lol

The lo-carb ones have 7g.

I hear ya. I normally don’t eat breakfast. I might drink a lo-carb Monster that lasts until about lunch or so. I sip it throughout the day. I usually will eat a wrap or something small and then for dinner I hardly eat anything. I don’t exercise as often...and I still have been gaining weight. :/ I guess I will

This actually doesn’t happen for me. I am not sure if it’s mental or physical, but my body won’t even “let me know” when I have to unless I am CLOSE to home or at a hotel. I’ve literally gone days without having to because my body won’t “let me know” when I have to and I am not the one to force something. It’s

So what you’re saying is that I need to do all my browsing at work so that the ISP can’t pin it on me...gotcha. :)

Ohh it’s definitely a thing. Not only does it help you do the speed limit, but it also helps slow you down without using the brakes.

100% agree. I am not saying that some things should or shouldn’t be made a law but it should always be states decision and those in the state that vote for the laws. It is up to the people in the states to persuade people to vote for the law or against it. That’s how it should be.

I write down as much as I can about each day. I don’t call it a diary because it’s not my feelings...most of the time unless I am just venting. I mostly call it a blog for my life. I haven’t missed a day since early 2007 (actually just reach 10 years now that I am thinking about it), but it’s pretty much a log of

Sweet & Semi-Sweet are my wines! :D If I want something hard, I typically will drink rum and whatever else with the rum...I am not picky...but my favorite is OJ/Rum. :D

This is what my wife and I do. We are planning to visit every National Park, which would include the monuments, historic sites, etc. She plans all of our trips and we definitely have seen a LOT. Death Valley, so far, is my favorite. I really loved going to the Racetrack. Definitely worth the slow drive to get out

My wife and I switched to Sling TV as well and definitely was the greatest option. Definitely saved a LOT of money and we went out and bought the Nvidia Shield to use as the streaming device and probably the best $200 I might have ever spent! Use that alongside Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Videos, Vudu, Google

Good luck!! You will be missed!!

Hmmm...I might have to see if this is what she suffers from. I feel like her dad had something wrong with his heart that they needed to shock him or something to fix it...wonder if my wife has something like this.

I think I do a good job with this one. I had a fitness club last year that I cancelled once I realized I hadn’t gone in few months and I had plenty of stuff at home that would fill its needs. I usually only ran so I figured I could run at home or even on the elliptical that I have. I also stopped my ESPN magazine

I am definitely not scared of dying...perhaps how I will die, but definitely sort of excited for that day to come. I only request that my wife goes before me since I know she will have a harder time with it than I would. I am just glad I was born in the 80's and not in this new era. I would be more scared to live

Ohh she does. She talks to a psychiatrist monthly and I know she’s been helping her with stuff. The strange thing just happens out of nowhere. There’s no one thing that brings it up. I always tell her it’s when her heart starts beating faster or she gets excited/nervous about something. I also think she

My wife and I just dropped our cable. We were probably paying about $125 and we hardly watched TV except for sports and Hallmark around Christmas time. We definitely don’t watch as much during the spring/summer so it made sense. We tried Sling TV on the Xbox One app and what a POS! I debated about getting Apple TV

My wife has anxiety issues and I know she’s not good with her medicines though we are trying. I know Xanax is about the only thing that REALLY works, but she only takes that when it’s REALLY bad. I feel bad for her. Just not sure what more we can do to help her.

I laughed :D