
Wow, what a shitty thing to say to someone. Shame.

Honestly I think it’s a bit of both opinions of this joke. The great thing is that you can interpret this joke and the show in several ways. Their clever comedy has layers, and it’s right up their alley making fun of two groups with colliding points of views at once. You’re all misunderstanding imo, it’s like half of

Not very nice to make assumptions like that. You might disagree, but there’s some real tyranny of the majority thing going on here. He isn’t being rude, yet you among others are slinging racist remarks in his face like you’re somehow justified to talk that way about someone else because 95% here disagree with him.


What about Warcraft 3?

But Pokémon Go is dead

Reddit and tips from readers.

It really seems like you want to push some sort of cultural appropriation agenda here. If the original creator and most Japanese see no problem with casting Scarlett, I don’t see any reason why you should react either.

Disable v-sync in the skyrimprefs.ini file, and force v-sync through AMD or NVIDIA software.

Also, run the game in fullscreen, not windowed borderless.

How does a cast iron skillet differ from one of these?

Oh really? A sociopath? You know this for a fact, or?

What’s a Yo-Kai watch?

Why are you ripping on his height?? Seriously, so much in this article is absolutely disgusting and sexist and.. I don’t even know. What in the fuck.

I don’t get why it is a bad thing that they’re looking into Clinton’s e-mails either, if she’s innocent she’s innocent. If she isn’t.. Well, you gotta admit, it’s not

Oh, and it’ll probably run in native resolution if you use strategic view.

Most definitely playable on a Surface 3 as long as you lower the settings, and possibly the resolution quite a bit.

Won’t be perfect, but couch Civ is the best Civ.

Just have fun.

No mod required.

What is a “punchable” face exactly?

Calm down, dude.