British Reliability

She bought it off an Israeli. It is an American sub, it’s just been upgraded to Israeli spec.

Price firm. I know what I’ve got.

At least the death wobble is gone.

I read the headline, then my mind went straight to Rolls-Royce aircraft engines and how cutting edge they always are in that industry. Reading the rest of the article, that’s one hell of a Wankel design.

Like this cat?

Not better looking than a 308, and with no documentation of who did the motor upgrades and with what internals, CP all day.

Oh I’d drive the hell out of it, but other’s would only want it for the investment value.

It’s easily a NP, if you have time and a place to store it for another 10 years.

It wasn’t worth that much new, and now that it’s modded, worth even less.

I believe he meant the heart of an 18 year old that hasn’t matured up to a real performance car.

Here is your answer, a WRX STi. Under $20k even.

I found this strangely satisfying to watch, and yet slightly disturbing from all the body filler. Then I remembered, he cut off the roof to remove the rust, and sunroof in the process. This is not a concourse car, but his personal baby that he wants done right.

Why can’t people clean out their vehicle before posting pics? CP for the old shoes and other crap in the floor board.

What is this nonsense? BMW won’t give the Toyota Supra as much power as their M4? Blasphemy!

And no seatbelt, but still lived? Darwin would be disappointed.

They will sell you back the original FMF parts for a good price once you buy the truck.

Even better I know a certain Jalop editor who has a Yugo he would love to swap for this Miata.

Yes and that back bumper looks like it took a hell of a hit, still didn’t trigger the sensors under it.

35mph rear collision into the car in front and no sign of airbag deployment?

Mid-engine sedan! 80hp/ 2speed slush box! $7000! CP!