British Reliability

For less than $500 in parts he will drive it across the country!

With a smattering of blood and poo.

Good thing you have autocorrect to fix all the shaking errors in your typing!

At least you don’t have to worry about speeding tickets! Good luck, we are all pulling for you.

Hey Raph, hold my beer and watch this!

Yes, unseasoned travelers are not generally aware of their surroundings and do not plan ahead on how to get where they are going. For example, a seasoned traveler will know which are legal taxis as compared to the scammers who will take you in to the unsavory areas of town and drop you after robbing you blind, as well

Well Matt, I do want to give your car an NP, but more info is needed...

I drove the SportWagen TDI in Italy back in may for a rental, great little car. Surprised myself with how much I liked it, would still rather have had the Giulietta I had reserved that they gave away when my plane was late though.

People who buy Bentley’s do not need plebeian turn signals either. The servant will wave out the window if he knows what is good for him.

International Race of Chumpions?

It’s worth 6 grand just in steel. But as a car, I would love to have it, albeit in a different color. And the leopard print is a solid win for one of these!

Can they silence the sound of my wife in the passenger seat?

Leaves you with fewer competitors in your way.

That’s what happens when you get a bunch of drunk criminals driving on the wrong side of the road!

It would have been okay if it had been a bunch of Chrysler 200s, because they be “Merican cars.

That’s the most cars that have been in the parking lot at the Silverdome since Barry Sanders played.

The one in my garage. Seeing as to how there isn’t an exotic in there yet must mean there isn’t a greatest yet, or maybe the right one is missing.

One day they will make auto racing fun again. Harken (yes I used that term) back to the old days when it was really “stock” cars souped up from factory trim, or IndyCar/ CART putting chassis and engine combos together, or F1 letting the factory race cars define the sport. Enough is enough with restricting the top

I love watching him turn Euro-spec cars in to driving masterpieces, especially the ones we can’t get here in the States (looking at you Cosworth).

Manual wagon BMW, my heart says NP; but 143k miles for $6900, my brain says CP