British Reliability

Perfect solution. Stop requiring people to do common sense things such as wear a seat belt, let Darwin’s Law take over. That will also prevent some of these idiots from reproducing. Add manufacturers requiring a release at the purchase of each vehicle exonerating them if said idiot does not use the vehicle safety

“My personal favorite section of CIAS was Auto Exotica”

Obviously there are a lot of people that like these, but I am not one. It is a good price for a camper that needs a lot of work but I sure as hell won’t be the one to do it.

Inherit Jay Leno’s garage. I’d settle for Ralph Lauren’s though.

Or it could be that Ferrari is just getting used to seeing the back side of the GT...

This is more of a why would you want instead of a what is it. The price is just way to steep for a 16 year old Nissan, who cares if it is JDM and therefore rare in the US.

That’s the whole point of him saying there is a “pleasing rising sun motif vacuumed in to the carpet.”

I’ve seen NC State play basketball, the Volvo manual is more entertaining.

Leaning to a NP on this one, but a shaky one at best. Good clean 996, the headlights do not bother me at all. I’d want to know more about the changes to the internals to make sure it wasn’t just “slap a SC on it and let it roll”, but 425 to the rear while rolling your own is crazy scary in the best way!

At least Lambo names most of their cars after bulls, albeit with the Superveloce, and the Sesto Elemento- the Sixth Element thrown in as special models or an outright bad ass one off.

They can take my car when they pry it from my cold dead hands!

It’s borderline based off the price and condition, but I love a mini wagon. I think it just needs to much to put it in “fun” condition at this price point.

McLovin thinks SuperFast is SuperBad

I saw the pic and the price, skipped the article and went straight to NP. All day.

That there are no waste gates popping on downshifts?

There’s all kinds of nope on this build. Maybe without the body rot and torn interior, but it’s in shit shape everywhere but the engine bay.

Beautiful car, beautiful car, beautiful car, WTF Torch, it’s too early to be drinking.

Reverse psychology... Brilliant Kristen.

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” If NATO disbands there will be much further reaching ramifications than just peace accords. It will destroy many economies due to the uncertainties of the protection they are no longer afforded.

What’s the Plus for? The fact you won’t be taking anyone on a date while you own it?