
I feel so honored to be part of the small subset of affected users. I also noticed that push email to my iPhone "can't connect" right now either. *sigh*

@HKiOnline: Because...HK...all of the world is not as tech geeky as those of us who read this site. Most of my friends have non-smartphones and often send me MMS shots that point to the ridiculously implemented "". MMS for the iPhone will be a nice thing to finally have. And before everyone starts in

It's wifi only and no live streaming? I'm calling BS on the "ready for iPhone" part.

I definitely research first. I spent far too much time on the various message boards and tech lists of the early '90's watching newbies (including me) getting hit with "RTFM". For friends/family, I often use [] as a gentle reminder.

I have had it since grandcentral and use it primarily because I work out of the house but have horrific cell service at home. I tell everone to call my GV number and it gives me the option to pick up my land line or SIP line.

@Dan Moutal: Login to your google apps webmail and click the Contacts link.

@Mike Bignell: OMG...never knew about that one. Love it.

Why is there such a desire to get rid of the start button? Am I the only one who uses it regularly??

I can't tell you how many times I've worked on friends computers with "connectivity" issues that turned out to be ZoneAlarm related. Yes I can...37 times. Maybe ZA has improved over the last year? I haven't paid attention to it so don't know.

@moe52: Seconded. I've used the Aeropress for about a year and it rocks.

Been doing this for years. It doesn't work with every bottle but does for most.

Hah...I just gave it a try. Signed up using my work line as the call to number and tried the "anonymous" call from my cell. The cell came through with caller ID. No worky.

The most blatant difference is how fast it renders it's cool older brother URL...Gmail. Holy crap is that faster.

The stammering is part of the gig JoshMac. Start at his first tutorial and it makes sense. It's actually quite funny.

You know, the Keep-a-Cables are only about $3.50 for a pack of 3 which makes them about a buck a piece...

@thegermandude517: We have a lot of that here in San Diego too. The storage unit places quietly promote it. They'll run a phone line in there for you too. Very cheap "office" space.

Bah, I'll give it a try. Google already indexes all of my email, has my passwords...I trust in Bijan!