
You do realize this person literally said people can catch up, yes?

Because nobody else flies where they’re going?

It’s not that people don’t appreciate or need the low-cost options, it’s that they think there should be limitations as to how much you can shrink the space people are allotted on planes, period.

Tinder didn’t tell him, his persecution complex did.

I don’t really understand what point you’re trying to make here.

LOL nah. You’re so dumb you wouldn’t “hit home” if you WERE right, bro.

That’s the thing. Somewhere along the line people got confused as to what “understand” actually means. They think if you don’t agree with someone or feel obligated not to criticize them, the issue is that you don’t “understand” because you’re not “listening.”

One of these is much more commonly life threatening.

I like how you’ve decided on “pets and alcohol” as the true roots of all evil.

Yeah, chicks, fuck ‘em!

Nah. Mediocre try, though, which I’m guessing is a major compliment for you.

Yeah these days it’s pretty hard not to have a liberal slant if you’re going to remark at all on the world and not be a raging asshole. When acknowledging that racism or sexism exists is “liberal,” among a whole host of other very basic things, appearing to be politically unbiased is impossible.

Yeah, Jezebel gets really upper middle classy on this topic. People mean well, but it’s like the idea that women who don’t want kids might also be unpartnered or earn an average or below income or whatever hasn’t even occurred to them.

Hello, fellow Midwestern boarding school attending person who had a life-changing experience!

Dude, no. That’s a ridiculously unfair statement to the vast majority of educators who work at these schools. They typically make less than public school teachers, and the expectations are insane.

I went to boarding school on scholarship and it legitimately changed my life. The academic opportunities were so far above my local school, and the extracurricular stuff I got to do my parents never could have afforded.

No matter how hard YOU try, at least.

LOL I don’t “use” that “word,” pumpkin.

How many could you have had, realistically? Opening this after seeing the title is basically equivalent to getting in line for the self-proclaimed tallest roller coaster of all time when you’re deathly afraid of heights, and then blaming the manufacturer when you shit your pants.

Wow! You really told me!