Being liberal used to be a lot different than the current tranny rights, reparations make everything free current definition.
Being liberal used to be a lot different than the current tranny rights, reparations make everything free current definition.
CEOs have to sell stock on a predetermined schedule.
Yes GPS is transmitting pings that you phone calculates its position off. Looks like this has a higher gain antenna that you can try and point at a satellite.
Im sure theyve done it, a derailed train and a 50k clean up where they just burn it off a couple months lol.
put a vertical crash wall at the outside of the turn 20 ft high done
Its been that way for thousands of years. History was nearly constant killing, conquering land, civil wars, military coupes, countries and rulers stabbing each other in the back. This is us doing good
Digikey is the answer
what if they do that with two gasoline cars, the math doesn’t change if they sell it
If I could have one it would be an E Class AMG, i did have a 06 turbo forester before it blew up into a cross over. Thing was awseome
Thats not what happened though, a lot of what ifs and there’s video of what happned. Only 1 person was injured and killed.
You remember when they had to disband an entire division of the NYPD because they were lying murdering POS who were working hand in hand with drug dealers?? There’s no bigger career criminal organization in New York than the NYPD.
He was being an asshole but the cop only made it worse and killed someone.
What about when its cold out, easy 15 to 20% loss
Have fun stopping for 25 minutes watching youtube on your dash if you want to drive over 100 miles in day.
Yes everyone i know and play with calls it no build
There are psychos among us! Dudes wife isn’t f@cking him anymore, he didn’t get that promotion, hes mad at the libtards, just plane mental, who knows
Just streaming and no bluetooth. Hot turd incoming
They should have but a little plastic grate over it, not enough to effect cooling but something for your hand to hit first. As an electrical engineer I do love the metal heat sinking though.
Theyre prob supposed to use a dolly and saif F IT