
Never mind me, I’m only here for the “Black people don’t hold a monopoly over dreadlocks, Vikings did it first!!!” and I was not disappointed. Shout-out to these white historians for always keeping us grounded.

once again you have me double over trying not to laugh out loud and gets caught on the internet while I should be working.

Cream of wheat is for sugar, grits is supposed to be savory.

I find the head to be too chewy and gamey.

Murderers are typically only referred to by their 3 names AFTER they have murdered someone. They do this so every dude in America named John Rust doesn’t get bombarded with bullshit. You don’t become a murderer because people refer to you by three names. People start referring to you by three names BECAUSE you’re a

I have my own body image issues and wish my nose was smaller, etc. Is it weird that my reaction after reading this was to try to love myself more?

My mother in law texted my husband to say how offended she is about my latests posts (e.g. “white men continue to be the biggest terrorist threat in the US”, “THIS WHITE ON WHITE CRIME HAS TO STOP”, and “white people need to stop using Oujia boards in horror films”), calling them racist against her and her family.

If you would just answer the question, your corporate overlords would let you see the internet.

That’s when you say, “No, you’re the realest racist.”

Even with that hard break looming, Kelly still managed to find time to explain the hard break twice and put forth an opposing opinion.

You know who else knows how it works? TOM FUCKING BROKAW.

What I don’t get is that the whole thing is predicated on the idea that even though the GOP controls the White House, the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court as well as the majority of individual state governments but the Democrats are really in charge of everything. You’d have easier mental gymnastics just saying

I knew he was white. To quote my cousin Ahmed “Because niggas can’t shoot.”

Just need to point out that, once again, white dude killing dozens of innocent people, but the “Muslim Ban” is what’s going to keep us all safe.

It really says something about our society where the Satanists are the good people.

I assume it meant oncoming divorce because of Chip’s affair with Clint. Everyone thought it was Joanna having the affair or that Clint was in love with her, but that was just a crazy cover and everything is about to come out in the tabloids.

Also spend 20k on oversized clocks for every wall.

Chip Gaines is essentially Mr. Peanutbutter from Bojack Horseman, I just realized.

I have Rehab addict and the new Trading Spaces for my DIY fix.