
You don’t understand what cultural appropriation is then. Drinking tea is as much cultural appropriation as eating collard greens with the hamhock left in. Cultural appropriation is the phenomenon where a black girl can wear cornrows and be called ghetto but a white girl can wear cornrows and be cute. Its the

Nah bruh. Everything about America conveniently forgets about the contributions of it’s actual huddled masses.  It even goes to the point where minority cultures have to struggle to be included while actively being shit on in the mainstream eye. When they say “Hey, a little attribution please, we contribute.”, and

I understand that. I was referring to the idea that black people have been referred to as magical way before Black Girl Magic came into play. To say that Jesse Williams was referring to the latter when he was most likely referring to the former seems disingenuous.

The appropriation comes in when you take from another culture and re-brand it as your own, giving no credit to where it came from. It gets even stickier when a ruling class or culture takes cultural ideas from oppressed classes or cultures and celebrates them when they do it but use the same cultural ideas as a

There has been the idea that black people are other, exotic, even magical for years in this country. There is even the Magical Negro trope in film. I was under the impression that Jesse Williams was invoking the idea of the magic of our creations not specifically referring to “Black Girl Magic.” In context, Black Girl

As positive as your friend’s intentions were, respectfully, it doesn’t change the fact that the cause he was fighting for was a bad one. Your friend died, that’s an incredibly hard thing to go through. It doesn’t change the fact that a completely uncritical view of the military and those who join it isn’t going to

No, the suggestion is to put them in an airtight room, then slowly replace all the oxygen with nitrogen. The gas is inert, the body breathes it like anything else, and the system won’t know the difference until you’re already dying.

Sick. Dying. Dead.

Objectively, subjectively, literally, figuratively, and entirely horrible. I had to check half of my family members who were still waffling around accusation 35. Someone down the page said “I will never forgive Bill Cosby for taking Bill Cosby away from me.” That’s it right there. That’s entirely it.

Kind of sideways though.

Understood. But since we can’t and never will have first hand knowledge of what you go through, we can only surmise. Sometimes the only way to get that experiece directly is to listen to our wife\mother\daughter\girlfriend\sister\whatevers.

I see a lot of people coming here, reading what Rich wrote out and posting totally dismissive and context missing responses. Please watch the specials before commenting based on Rich’s summary above. It shows none of the timing, body language, and overall tone of a lot of what Dave was saying. I didn’t love

The Cosby show was the first regular television show I saw that had regular characters that looked, talked and acted like middle-class black me. This is no small thing.

Did you watch the special? It’s all in the delivery. The long setup was to quiet the room down to get to a very solid callback in the punchline.

But we’re all here talking about it aren’t we? Seems like it’s just the beginning of the conversation.

Wow. Do you know? You’re doing exactly what he was talking about. All of us minority groups suffer. Yes, we can’t exactly know, but we can imagine and empathize.

It’s not. Its way more nuanced than that. MBCock has a great take on it above you.

He got super buff, then stopped working out. And chain smokes.

In context, in the special, it’s a callback to a previous joke. He was pitching a nonsensical superhero to a Texas investor as part of a story on having no movie ideas, so he made something up. It was a horribly painful story about a person who could only activate their super powers by touching women’s vaginas.

Yet he called Caitlyn Jenner “she” through his whole first special. Jokes is jokes but what people do is what matters right?