
Real talk, Trump scares me less than Carson. There is something so disturbingly off about Carson.

How is it that nobody is paying attention to the election? Does a huge swath of America live in isolation chambers? If it’s the case that nobody’s listening, then why the fuck does the cycle need to be so fucking drawn out? Limit the time for campaigns to six months and save a lot of money and aggravation.

But does he take his shirt off?

Fully agree with the validity of the claims and that the kid deserves a solid payout.


old white men.

“and their viewers complain if they repeat outfits too frequently.”

Pinkham, I am not going to lie, yours was a blog I had looked forward to commenting on each week, and during the typical Monday struggles of a mundane office job your posts brightened my mornings. It was your blog where a comment of mine reached over 200 stars for the first time, and I had looked forward to the day I

Bolivian woman learns one weird trick to getting pregnant! Reproductive endocrinologists hate her!

We would have also accepted “Catholicism.”

Kitchenette will be missed.

Quick, someone get Katie Holmes on the phone to start planning her escape.

I don’t want to watch any fucking Duggar shows until they air a special called, “We totally fucked up and are sorry we subjected you to the horrors of this family, here’s a show about how to treat abuse victims appropriately, love TLC.”

It’s really distressing me how much she looks like she could be a Duggar sister herself.

A fun game might be to get a bunch of people together to see what companies are advertising during this show, and get everyone to write letters telling them they’re boycotting their products until they knock it off.

I really feel for Anna. I wonder what kind of contract they’ve got her under that she has to do this shit, too. I can’t imagine it’s voluntary.