
speak for yourself

Presumably this means that you own more than one fitted sheet, which means you’re doing better than I am, tbh. Don’t need to fold it when it just goes right back on the bed!

Who takes notes during church? Just go again the next week; don’t they just repeat the same shit every week?

do we share a grade school BFF by any chance?

omg same

A needle could easily puncture someone with a contaminated tip, and greatly increase the likelihood of infection or transmission of disease. A tampon, on the other hand, would be gross to touch, but it doesn’t have a shortcut into your bloodstream or anything. You can wash your hand if you accidentally touch a tampon

I will never forget the traumatizing experience of coming home from church on Sunday with my family as a teenager to find the family dog had shredded several of my used pads all over the living room. I was the only one in my family who menstruated, and everyone knew it, and it was gross, and it was EVERYWHERE.

Have you been paying attention to the news at all? Do you have any idea how many Muslim terrorists there are in our country, vs. angry white men who shoot to get their way? Adam Lanza. Dylann Roof. James Holmes. John Russell Houser.

Here’s why I lean towards this not being religiously motivated.

I don’t think anyone is saying definitively that religion was not involved. I think the point is that it’s premature and offensive to assume immediately, based on their race, that it’s religious terrorism.

There is a cure for wilful blindness, moron. Open your eyes.

I refuse to believe that this was just some guy who had a dispute and murdering 14 people with his wife, leaving a 6 month old child parentless was anything other than something motivated almost solely by religion.

Why is it so hard for you to be truthful? Why is Obama so disengenuous?

So if someone is a Muslim, then any heinous acts they commit can be attributed to the fact that they’re a Muslim? You’re missing a link in this logic chain.

...but where does it say this...?

You’re telling me that Obamacare is GIVING THESE YOUNG WOMEN CANCER? >:(

I can’t speak towards the specific requirements, or how difficult they are; I feel like I’ve read, though, that some of them (hallway width, things like that) would essentially be impossible for the abortion clinics to do without re-constructing the whole facility. Which is why this is a big deal. I don’t think it’s a

I haven’t entirely ruled out books by men, but I intentionally lean very, very heavily towards books by women, in response to that bias. And while I have read a few very good books by men in the last few years, I’m amazed at how many other awesome, awesome, heartbreaking good literary fiction pieces I’ve read, by

Right? Josh’s apologies for these individual acts are one thing, but nobody’s addressed the root of the problem - their shitty, abusive cult.

Right? Constant interruption is the worst. Can’t wait for this fad to pass.