The Beekless Timeline

Good thing you dropped your Supernatural coverage for this, AVC. Totally worth it. It's not like this show is worse in its first season than some of the shittiest fillers SPN gets in its tenth season or anything.

Last night was Supernatural's 200th episode. It was pretty great too. AVC had zero fucks to give, but hey - you're welcome to discuss Marvel's Agents of SHIT instead.

This is the rule that I live by.

AHS is the best when it keeps its evil forces down to earth. Murder House and Coven focused mostly on the supernatural factor, while Asylum and Freak Show seem to be more interested in exploring the evil forces that are more or less material (and human).

Carson, is this Ebola in my tea? This is unacceptable.

Lemond Bishop kills Kalinda and officially becomes the big bad. Season 7 is Alicia Florrick vs. Lemond Bishop. Season 7 finale brings the apocalypse. Everybody dies, the final scene is the ghosts of Kalinda and Will looking down upon the ruins of Chicago. Its basically Battlestar Galactica all over again, but with no

It would've been a good job if they'd quit covering that garbage after the very first episode.

A presumption that everything on the Internet is racist seems to be working just fine for me.

Not really. She is occasionally good, but most of the time it's like she isn't even trying.

Yeah, except the dog fucking episode was in the EIGHTH season of Supernatural. There had been 163 episodes before that one and about 30 after. Here we have a new show that brings stuff that is almost as bad to the table from the very beginning.

I thought it was on par with the worst episodes of late Supernatural (seasons 8-10). It's a pretty show and it clearly has more budget than Supernatural even did, but the script is just too bad. The actors are struggling to deliver a decent performance with what they are being given, but there isn't a single shred of

Good. Now they can finally get In The Flesh renewed for its third season.

I also disagree. Sam was also cruel, maybe more so than Demon Dean. I recall a scene where Soulless Sam is hunting a monster and that monster takes a girl hostage. Sam just killed her without any hesitation. "There goes your leverage".

- Why am I here?
- For tea parties!

PDN being assigned for coverage is basically the worst thing that can happen to a TV show on AVC.

I'm pretty sure they didn't make a point about Dean being able to walk out of the demon trap for nothing. Likely holy water just doesn't have any effect on him anymore and Sam is in for a (very) cruel prank.

For me the turning point had been "Skin" - the sixth episode of the first season. It was dark, violent, creepy and very well-directed. The shapeshifter episodes went on to become my favorite ones on Supernatural - just remember "Nightshifter" from Season 2. Holy fuck, that ending.…

I would too, but only if it happened before they'd introduced a way to make demons human again back in Season 8. It's no fun watching a character get into a trap when the way out of that trap is clear and obvious.

I still remember being worried that they would cancel Supernatural after the very first season. Remember that car crash? I almost peed myself. And that season 3 finale? Where the helldogs just tear one of the two main characters apart and we next see him in hell with meat hooks in his body? Seasons 4 and 5 were

Ebola sure came in like a wrecking ball.