The Beekless Timeline

Coming between them? More like coming all over them!

I thought he had at least killed Peter with that last punch. That could've been used for some character development both with Scott and Malia. But nope, they couldn't even go there.

Look, Lady Mary is getting busy with her three handsome suitors over there!

I won't even bother with a proper rant about how this was a complete disappointment and a waste of my time. LaToya, you are a fucking hero for doing this for us. I'll probably still check out the season 5A premiere next year and I sure hope you will too. You rock.

You must be kidding. Tolokonnikova is smoking hot and Alekhina is very pretty. They might not be talented singers, but they are pretty good at bringing attention to issues that matter.

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Let's not forget forget the JIMMY OLSEN IS NOT JIMMY OLSEN twist. Let's take a moment and remember they actually did that. They'd stripped the character they had on the show for three seasons of his identity to "justify" his unnecessary death that had followed his completely unnecessary presence on the show.

I'd watch a show that would be just the two of them yelling at each other. Apartment 23 reboot? Please?

His name is Robin Thicke and Lady Edith spends half of the episode defending twerk to her old-fashioned relatives. Lady Mary is, of course, baffled to find herself in the middle of such travesty. Tom is seduced by Robin Thicke and spends the night with him. Thomas finds out and blackmails Tom into doing his laundry.

Like I said, Season 8 had Doomsday. I would never put it anywhere near Seasons 6-7/9-10 for that reason alone. Not only Doomsday was a decent enough character portrayed by a capable actor, but they also made a surprisingly wise choice and paired him up with Chloe (instead of making another retarded Lana worshiper out

It's actually about Sarah Palin pursuing a career in stand-up comedy. And her agent is a white walker zombie she'd met in Alaska. I don't know about you, but I'm scared shitless already.

At least it's shorter than Smallville. Not to mention that Smallville was basically 3 years of good television (4 if you count Season 5 - and I would count it) and 7 years of mostly terrible television.

That used to bother me back in Season 1 but later they did such a great job making the show just as crappy as the credits that it's not even an issue anymore.

Please just let Bryan Fuller do a short 4-6 episode crossover with Hannibal. Everybody on The Following will be dead by the final episode and for once this stupid show will be doing something in style.

I'm still waiting for that Russian remake of Misfits. The Internets will explode.

The third movie still doesn't exist, I think. But the first two are both such a mess that I don't think anyone knows what exactly is happening there. And certainly nobody cares.

A.T. Christ

I sure hope it's a sitcom about parenting.

Thank you for finally being over, True Blood. Please never come back again. Except I'm kidding now. Fuck you, True Blood. You did so very little right and you've somehow managed to shit on all of it at some point afterwards.

We could have a conversation about what the real effects of prejudice are if you weren't an example of said effects. A sad, depressing example.