The Beekless Timeline

Were they black though?

So an overrated performer will become involved in an overrated TV show? You don't say.

I'd love to know who got this and AHS Coven on the list. It's highly unlikely I am reading or following people who would ever consider endorsing something like that garbage, but I would appreciate being 100% certain on the matter.

It would still have AHS Coven on it which is un-fucking-believable. Coven is the worst kind of garbage - overhyped, overpretentious and so deeply in love with itself it won't even pretend it is trying to actually be worth your time.

Now I want comic strips with Tommen and Garfield.

*insert a cock joke here*
*insert a joke about insering a cock joke here*

Still not as different as the new Daario.

As long as they don't recast Ser Pounce we're fine.

I honestly have no idea why AVC didn't go and grade this A+. I mean, there are already episodes with such grade and it's not like any of them are better than this. I still feel like I might not see anything like that in my life. It's not just the quality of the script, the brilliant directing, the haunting sound

This beautiful shit is already a 10 on IMDB and it's still not enough. It hurts so fucking good.

I remember watching the first episode of Rectify and being absolutely stunned by it. Like "I can't believe someone made this and I'm getting to watch it on TV". It's not just the overall increase in quality but also the increased number of shows that can't be easily defined or explained. TV isn't playing it safe

I'm torn between Rectify and (after the amazing 2nd season) The Americans. Boy, television is so good these days.

Everybody is still looking for something.

Tyrion, obviously. Tyrion is the Snowball of the Seven Kingdoms now.

- I will scream when you make even more love to me, my beloved Petyr! I'll scream until you go deaf, blind and paralyzed from the waist up becoming an ultimate fucking machine. *drools*
* Littlefinger pushes Lysa through the moon door*

I really need to rewatch Changing Channels now.

It's still better than a lot of shows out there and one of the best in its genre IMO. There is a shitload of filler episodes but they still can deliver.

I don't even care as long as Bloodlines stays dead. It was fucking awful. But if I had to choose I'd pick one about two friends - a Reaper and a Trickster, who visit dying lonely people in a hospital and create wonderful alternate realities for them to die in. it would be like Doctor Who but with more death. In fact,

That's Lifetime.

Cabbages are rotten,
AMC has no taste.
This show was so boring
I can't even rhyme.