The Beekless Timeline


I'll never get over that. Ian McShane was so good. Scratch that, everyone there was so good. Even the creepy Macaulay Culkin. Especially the creepy, banished, possibly cross-dressing Macaulay Culkin.

Hopefully it's not too late for Community to do an episode where Abed gets the news and realizes that the world will end when the reboot premieres. Because it will end and our people need a warning.

I'd like a gif of Frank Underwood throwing this remake under a train.

I thought you were trolling, but I guess you really need help.

> the kind of women they pray their daughters don't end up like

I got a 'bullshit' notification for this?

Homophobic people who dress-up in uniform and carry whips around have to be featured.

Yeah, except all of the people who are suffering from it right now will be dead by then. I mean, sure Russia will have to change someday, but it's no good to the person who got beaten up for being gay yesterday, got fired for being gay today and has no future anymore.

Russia is like a South Park episode when it comes to human rights. You can make thousands of jokes about it but none of them will be as ironic as the actual footage/photos from the incident and there is this shitty feeling deep inside that none of this is funny at all.

Meanwhile, Pussy Riot just got beaten up in Sochi after being arrested yesterday while I'm sitting here downloading Teen Wolf off iTunes. Some people know how to have fun.

Well, 10 minutes is almost 1/4 of an ep. I hope iTunes has the episode up by the time I get home.

Yep, it's not a bug - it's a feature. Teen Wolf isn't even the only one milking it - True Blood has been doing it for ages.

"All over the place and disjointed" might as well be an official description of this show. Grading the ep lower for that reason would be like punishing a fish for swimming in the water.

So how do you get to the place with the awesome view over the bay and the cave? Preferably by public transportation, don't mind walking.

So was that really a B or is it just business as usual? (I miss the user grades so much)

It wasn't an episode, but rather a change of the opening theme with every season of Skins (twice per generation). The radical changes they did to the original theme in later seasons were similar to what happened here.

Smallville 'Noir' episode was pretty shit. Most of the characters had been irreparably ruined by that point and there was little they could have done with that even if they tried. And they didn't.

What's with the grades this year? Season 3B is fucking awesome so far and I'm not even that big of a fan. I think someone might be possessed, please call the Oni.

Because it takes pride in being shallow and mainstream. It's like Paris Hilton dressed as a female geek stereotype.