Nah...I used to think chocolate chip cookies were cool until I saw them at every bake sale I went to.
But it doesn’t sound just as good...
Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.
If you were one of the few people lucky enough to get your hands on the recently released NES Classic, than you’ve…
I would have been lost without all of you for these last 18 orange tinged months. You guys kept me sane. Every time the Twilight Zone feeling descended I looked to you, authors and fellow Kinjateers to reassure me that the whole country hadn’t lost its friggin’ mind. We laughed, we cried, we voted and hopefully in the…
I’m a blue dot in Texas. And while my vote might not matter right now, it might very well matter in the future. Voting now can set the tone for what our future can become. This little drop could one day become a small pond, a river, a lake.
A friend working at a bakery got a call for a yuuuuge Trump Victory cake yesterday.
When I think of him, I think of this.
that logo looks like a puckered anus.
I mean, come on, who’s in charge of America?”
It’s not the is Republican Comey. He calculated the timing perfectly. If Obama fired him would be called the “Saturday Night Massacre - 2016".
Ok black people, let’s talk—
It’s supposed to terrify ignorant people, but it actually is just terrifying how ignorant these powerful men are. We need better public schools, with comprehensive health classes and sex education, and we need more rational women in government to take the place of doofuses, misogynists, and religious extremists.
What happened? SNL was actually funny and entertaining for 90 minutes last night. This hasn’t happened since Tina Fey was head writer 10 years ago.
Triple eh.